Public Schools in Saint Albans, NY
There's 7 public schools found in Saint Albans, NY.
Saint Albans Map with Public Schools
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List of Saint Albans Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Saint Albans. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
109-89 204th St, Saint Albans, NY - 11412-1399
109-89 204th St, Saint Albans, NY - 11412
190-20 109th Rd, Saint Albans, NY - 11412
201-15 115th Ave, Saint Albans, NY - 11412-2899
187-01 Foch Blvd, Saint Albans, NY - 11412-4015
199-10 112th Ave, Saint Albans, NY - 11412
118-34 Riverton St, Saint Albans, NY - 11412-4024
Other Public Schools Nearby
The following public schools are located nearby Saint Albans.
PS 15 Jackie Robinson (0.5 miles)121-15 Lucas St, Springfield Gardens, NY - 11413-1045
Eagle Academy for Young Men Iii (0.7 miles)171-10 Linden Blvd, Jamaica, NY - 11434
Is 59 Springfield Gardens (0.8 miles)132-55 Ridgedale St, Springfield Gardens, NY - 11413-1500
Jermaine L Green Stem Institute of Queens (the) (0.8 miles)126-10 Bedell St, Jamaica, NY - 11434
PS 140 Edward K Ellington (0.8 miles)116-01 166th St, Jamaica, NY - 11434
PS 176 Cambria Heights (0.8 miles)120-45 235th St, Cambria Heights, NY - 11411
132-55 Ridgedale St-3rd Fl, Springfield Gardens, NY - 11413
Rochdale Early Advantage Charter School (0.9 miles)122-05 Smith St, Jamaica, NY - 11434
Cynthia Jenkins School (1 miles)179-37 137th Ave, Jamaica, NY - 11434
Hs for Law Enforcement and Public Safety (1 miles)116-25 Guy R Brewer Blvd, Jamaica, NY - 11434
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Find in Saint Albans
Schools of Saint Albans are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Saint Albans schools of that type.
- Preschools (4)
- Elementary Schools (5)
- Middle Schools (3)
- High Schools (1)
- Public Schools (7)
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