Elementary Schools in Saginaw, MI
There's 46 elementary schools found in Saginaw, MI. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Saginaw schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Saginaw Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Saginaw. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific elementary schools from the list.
5410 Seidel Rd, Saginaw, MI - 48638-5703
1000 Cathay St, Saginaw, MI - 48601-1321
2777 Hermansau Rd, Saginaw, MI - 48604-2495
2400 King Rd, Saginaw, MI - 48601-7310
3211 Carla Dr, Saginaw, MI - 48604-1750
2020 Brockway St, Saginaw, MI - 48602-2716
8331 Gratiot Rd, Saginaw, MI - 48609-4803
2201 Owen St, Saginaw, MI - 48601-3466
3412 Crestmont Dr, Saginaw, MI - 48603-3204
5335 Brockway Rd, Saginaw, MI - 48638-4423
4619 Mackinaw Rd, Saginaw, MI - 48603-2103
1300 Passolt St, Saginaw, MI - 48602
1890 Hemmeter Rd, Saginaw, MI - 48638-4672
1905 Houghton Ave, Saginaw, MI - 48602-4941
610 Ct St, Saginaw, MI - 48602-4249
8220 E Holland Rd, Saginaw, MI - 48601-9479
1944 Iowa Ave, Saginaw, MI - 48601-5213
3211 Carla Drive, Saginaw, MI - 48604-1750
2001 Limerick St, Saginaw, MI - 48601-4136
435 Randolph St, Saginaw, MI - 48601-3755
3040 Davenport Ave, Saginaw, MI - 48602-3651
3675 Southfield Dr, Saginaw, MI - 48601-5654
1800 Grout St, Saginaw, MI - 48602-1034
3660 Southfield Dr, Saginaw, MI - 48601-5653
925 N River Rd, Saginaw, MI - 48609-6831
2332 Trautner Dr, Saginaw, MI - 48604-9593
2136 Berberovich Dr, Saginaw, MI - 48603-3603
3161 Lawndale Rd, Saginaw, MI - 48603-1655
457 Van Wormer Rd, Saginaw, MI - 48609-9573
3360 Hospital Rd, Saginaw, MI - 48603-9622
3860 Fashion Square Blvd, Saginaw, MI - 48603-2424
5173 Lodge St, Saginaw, MI - 48601-6829
6911 Sheridan Rd, Saginaw, MI - 48601-9767
3870 Shattuck Rd, Saginaw, MI - 48603-3161
6900 Stroebel Rd, Saginaw, MI - 48609-5217
4705 Brockway Rd, Saginaw, MI - 48638-4664
2745 W Genesee Ave, Saginaw, MI - 48602-3724
1006 State St, Saginaw, MI - 48602-5662
3427 Adams Ave, Saginaw, MI - 48602-2902
2102 Weiss St, Saginaw, MI - 48602-5049
1300 Malzahn St, Saginaw, MI - 48602-2939
3650 Southfield Dr, Saginaw, MI - 48601-5653
3955 Kochville Rd, Saginaw, MI - 48604-9227
4645 Weiss St, Saginaw, MI - 48603-3851
705 South Center Rd, Saginaw, MI - 48638-6122
500 West Johnson Street, Saginaw, MI - 48604
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Find in Saginaw
Schools of Saginaw are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Saginaw schools of that type.
- Preschools (28)
- Elementary Schools (46)
- Middle Schools (30)
- High Schools (24)
- Public Schools (47)
- Private Schools (18)
Find Elementary Schools in Michigan
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