Roff High School
Roff High School is a Public school located at 100 N Broadway, Roff, OK - 74865-4865. It offers classes from 9th grade to 12th grade. The school has 8 teachers for a total 88 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 11.33. You may find the location of Roff High School on the map above. Use the Driving Directions tab to find driving directions to this school. For any other information on Roff High School that is not listed here, please call (580) 456-7252.
School Details
Following is the detailed information on Roff High School based on the data provided by National Center for Education Statistics.
9th Grade to 12th Grade
Total Teachers
Total Students
St-Teacher Ratio
School Type
Regular School
Is Charter
Students by Grades
Following chart shows the distribution of students in different grades offered by Roff High School.
Students by Race
Following chart shows the distribution of students based on races.
Students by Gender
Following chart shows the ratio of male and female students of Roff High School.
Nearby High Schools
Following is a list of other high schools found within few miles of Roff High School. You may also view all high schools in Roff , Oklahoma.
Vanoss High School (9.2 miles)4665 County Rd 1555, Ada, OK - 74820-4820(580) 759-2503
Oklahoma School for the Deaf (10.2 miles)1100 East Oklahoma Avenue, Sulphur, OK - 73086-3086(580) 622-4900
Sulphur High School (10.3 miles)1021 West Ninth St, Sulphur, OK - 73086-3086(580) 622-3174
Latta High School (11.5 miles)13925 County Road 1560, Ada, OK - 74820-4820(580) 332-3300
Veritas Christian School (12.1 miles)2004 W Broadway, Sulphur, OK - 73086
Ada Jhs (13.1 miles)223 West 18th Street, Ada, OK - 74820-4820(580) 310-7260
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School's information was recently updated on 1/27/2025.