Public Schools in Rochester, MN
There's 46 public schools found in Rochester, MN. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Rochester schools on this page to choose from.
Rochester Map with Public Schools
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List of Rochester Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Rochester. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific public schools from the list.
37 Woodlake Dr Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
2001 Bamber Valley Rd Sw, Rochester, MN - 55902-8888
406 36th Ave Nw, Rochester, MN - 55901-8888
334 16th St Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
4435 Bamber Valley Road Sw, Rochester, MN - 55902-8888
2525 Viola Rd Ne, Rochester, MN - 55906-8888
2240 7th Ave Ne, Rochester, MN - 55906-8888
37 Woodlake Dr Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
10 9 1/2 St Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
10 9 1/2 St Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
615 7th St Sw, Rochester, MN - 55902-8888
3800 50th St Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
1421 Elton Hills Dr Nw, Rochester, MN - 55901-8888
603 15th Ave Sw, Rochester, MN - 55902-8888
1801 9th Ave Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
1200 Broadway S, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
1300 40th St Nw, Rochester, MN - 55901-8888
5525 56th St Nw, Rochester, MN - 55901-8888
369 Elton Hills Dr Nw, Rochester, MN - 55901-8888
369 Elton Hills Dr Nw, Rochester, MN - 55901-8888
1201 10th Ave Ne, Rochester, MN - 55906-8888
1525 31st St Nw, Rochester, MN - 55901-8888
1510 14th St Nw, Rochester, MN - 55901-8888
503 17th St Ne, Rochester, MN - 55906-8888
3945 10th Ave Nw, Rochester, MN - 55901-8888
1122 8th Ave Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
1615 Marion Rd Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
1420 11th Ave Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
1026 East Center St, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
3800 50th Ave Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
1801 9th Ave Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
1900 Pinewood Rd Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
5255 Members Pkwy Nw, Rochester, MN - 55901-8888
615 7th Street Sw, Rochester, MN - 55902-8888
506 5th Ave Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
334 16th St Sw, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
37 Woodlake Dr Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
37 Woodlake Dr Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
2521 Pennington Dr. Nw, Rochester, MN - 55901-8888
415 16th St Sw, Rochester, MN - 55902-8888
334 16th St Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-5235
415 16th St Sw, Rochester, MN - 55902-2125
2450 Marion Road Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
1707 19th Ave Nw, Rochester, MN - 55901-8888
1200 11th Ave Nw, Rochester, MN - 55901-8888
2425 11th Ave Se, Rochester, MN - 55904-8888
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Find in Rochester
Schools of Rochester are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Rochester schools of that type.
- Preschools (27)
- Elementary Schools (34)
- Middle Schools (23)
- High Schools (21)
- Public Schools (46)
- Private Schools (12)
Find Public Schools in Minnesota
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