Public Schools in Riverside, CA - Page 2
There's 82 public schools found in Riverside, CA. This is the main type of schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Riverside schools on this page to choose from.
Riverside Map with Public Schools
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List of Riverside Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Riverside. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 51 to 82. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Riverside. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
6200 Riverside Ave., Riverside, CA - 92506-2147
4261 Latham Rd., Riverside, CA - 92501-1712
4501 Ambs Dr., Riverside, CA - 92505-3758
5450 Victoria Ave., Riverside, CA - 92506-3362
6401 Lincoln Ave., Riverside, CA - 92506-4424
7675 Magnolia Ave., Riverside, CA - 92504-3627
3422 Rustin Ave., Riverside, CA - 92507
3939 13th St., Riverside, CA - 92501-3505
3939 13th St., Riverside, CA - 92502-0868
3939 13th St., Riverside, CA - 92502-3505
3939 13th St., Riverside, CA - 92502-0868
4466 Mt.vernon Ave., Riverside, CA - 92507-4864
3380 14th St., Riverside, CA - 92501-3810
6411 Mitchell Ave., Riverside, CA - 92505-2055
4100 Golden Ave., Riverside, CA - 92505-3403
9010 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA - 92503
4950 Central Ave., Riverside, CA - 92504-1819
10368 Campbell Ave., Riverside, CA - 92505-1308
10368 Campbell Ave., Riverside, CA - 92505-1308
6401 Lincoln Ave, Riverside, CA - 92506-4413
9390 California Ave, Riverside, CA - 92503-3217
6601 Rutland St, Riverside, CA - 92503-1299
20440 Red Poppy Ln, Riverside, CA - 92508-3256
11000 Campbell Ave, Riverside, CA - 92505-2499
1155 Massachusetts Ave, Riverside, CA - 92507-2897
11750 Gramercy Place, Riverside, CA - 92505-3128
2910 Arlington Ave, Riverside, CA - 92506-4449
2760 Jane St, Riverside, CA - 92506-4301
10000 Wells Ave, Riverside, CA - 92503-2373
959 Mission Grove Parkway Nort, Riverside, CA - 92506-6226
16940 Krameria Ave, Riverside, CA - 92504-6119
3754 Harvill Ln, Riverside, CA - 92503-1349
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Find in Riverside
Schools of Riverside are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Riverside schools of that type.
- Preschools (11)
- Elementary Schools (70)
- Middle Schools (30)
- High Schools (30)
- Public Schools (82)
- Private Schools (19)
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