Middle Schools in Renville, MN
There's 1 middle school found in Renville, MN. This is about half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Renville schools on this page to choose from.
Renville Map with Middle Schools
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List of Renville Middle Schools
There is only one middle school listed in Renville. Click on the middle school name bellow to find detailed information on it.
301 Ne 3rd St, Renville, MN - 56284-0338
Other Middle Schools Nearby
The following middle schools are located nearby Renville.
Central Minnesota Christian School (10.2 miles)204 School St, Prinsburg, MN - 56281-9775
Bold Alc (10.7 miles)701 S 9th St, Olivia, MN - 56277-1599
Bold Middle School (10.8 miles)701 S. 9th Street, Olivia, MN - 56277-8888
Swwc Elc - Belview (14 miles)102 S 2nd St, Belview, MN - 56214-4004
Maccray Senior High School (14.2 miles)711 Wolverine Dr, Clara City, MN - 56222-0690
Echo Secondary (15.5 miles)101 Rocket Ave, Echo, MN - 56237-0158
Yellow Medicine East Middle School (16.6 miles)450 9th Ave, Granite Falls, MN - 56241-8888
Redwood Valley Middle School (18.4 miles)100 George Ramseth Dr, Redwood Falls, MN - 56283-1938
St John Lutheran School (18.8 miles)34719 County Highway 24, Redwood Falls, MN - 56283-2842
Vestwood Education Dba:one School Global Redwood F (21.9 miles)320 E Center St, Vesta, MN - 56292
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Find in Renville
Schools of Renville are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Renville schools of that type.
- Preschools (1)
- Elementary Schools (1)
- Middle Schools (1)
- High Schools (1)
- Public Schools (2)
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