Middle Schools in Providence, RI
There's 35 middle schools found in Providence, RI. This is more than one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Providence schools on this page to choose from.
Providence Map with Middle Schools
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List of Providence Middle Schools
Following is the list of all middle schools found in Providence. The middle schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific middle schools from the list.
370 Hartford Avenue, Providence, RI - 02909
155 Gordon Ave, Providence, RI - 02905-1909
240 Regent Avenue, Providence, RI - 02908
130 Broadway, Providence, RI - 02903-3003
15 Bough Street, Providence, RI - 02909
126 Somerset Street, Providence, RI - 02907
480 Charles Street, Providence, RI - 02904
75 John St, Providence, RI - 02906-2033
188 Princeton Avenue, Providence, RI - 02907
152 Springfield Street, Providence, RI - 02909
100 Houghton St, Providence, RI - 29041-013
612 Academy Avenue, Providence, RI - 02908
301 Butler Ave, Providence, RI - 02906-5545
1246 Chalkstone Ave, Providence, RI - 02908-3904
101 Sessions Street, Providence, RI - 02906
721 Chalkstone Avenue, Providence, RI - 02908
17-21 Gordon Avenue, Providence, RI - 02905
30 Barton Street, Providence, RI - 02909
450 Elmgrove Ave, Providence, RI - 02906-3469
155 Harrison Street, Providence, RI - 02907
1 Corliss Park, Providence, RI - 02908
278 Thurbers Avenue, Providence, RI - 02905
635 Mount Pleasant Ave, Providence, RI - 02908-1934
49 Elmhurst Avenue, Providence, RI - 02908
15 Edendale Ave, Providence, RI - 02911-2809
101 Plain St, Providence, RI - 02903-4827
1000 Eddy St, Providence, RI - 02905
86 Mount Hope Avenue, Providence, RI - 02906
1000 Eddy Street, Providence, RI - 02905
525 Branch Ave, Providence, RI - 02904-2287
50 Fillmore Street, Providence, RI - 02908
158 Messer Street, Providence, RI - 02909
75 Carpenter Street, Providence, RI - 02903
29 Bainbridge Avenue, Providence, RI - 02909
216 Hope St, Providence, RI - 02906-2246
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Find in Providence
Schools of Providence are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Providence schools of that type.
- Preschools (23)
- Elementary Schools (56)
- Middle Schools (35)
- High Schools (35)
- Public Schools (64)
- Private Schools (27)
Find Middle Schools in Rhode Island
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