Middle Schools in Prospect, CT
There's 1 middle school found in Prospect, CT. This is about half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Prospect schools on this page to choose from.
Prospect Map with Middle Schools
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List of Prospect Middle Schools
There is only one middle school listed in Prospect. Click on the middle school name bellow to find detailed information on it.
38 Columbia Ave., Prospect, CT - 06712-1638
Other Middle Schools Nearby
The following middle schools are located nearby Prospect.
City Hill Middle School (3 miles)441 City Hill St., Naugatuck, CT - 06770-3399
Gilmartin School (3 miles)107 Wyoming Ave., Waterbury, CT - 06706-2742
3465 East Main St, Waterbury, CT - 06705-3805
500 Todd Rd, Wolcott, CT - 06716-3144
100 Park Place, Cheshire, CT - 06410-2145
171 Main Street, Cheshire, CT - 06410
Cross Street Intermediate School (4 miles)120 Cross Street, Naugatuck, CT - 06770
51 Hillside St, Naugatuck, CT - 06770-2814
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School (4.4 miles)645 Congress Ave, Waterbury, CT - 06708-4198
Duggan School (4.5 miles)952 Bank Street, Waterbury, CT - 06708
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Find in Prospect
Schools of Prospect are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Prospect schools of that type.
- Preschools (1)
- Elementary Schools (1)
- Middle Schools (1)
- Public Schools (2)
Find Middle Schools in Connecticut
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