Public Schools in Portland, OR - Page 2
There's 145 public schools found in Portland, OR. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Portland schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Portland Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Portland. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 51 to 100. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Portland. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
3119 Se Holgate Blvd, Portland, OR - 97202-3498
2231 N Flint, Portland, OR - 97227-1992
2225 Se 87th Ave, Portland, OR - 97216-2099
701 Ne 185th Ave, Portland, OR - 97230-7103
1121 Ne 172nd Ave, Portland, OR - 97230-6304
5037 Sw Iowa St, Portland, OR - 97221-1799
8678 Ne Sumner St, Portland, OR - 97220-4613
2303 Se 28th Pl, Portland, OR - 97214-5698
1151 Sw Vermont St, Portland, OR - 97219-2199
1320 Northeast Brazee Street, Portland, OR - 97212
10625 Sw 35th, Portland, OR - 97219-6960
5477 Nw Skycrest Pkwy, Portland, OR - 97229-2306
7439 N Charleston Ave, Portland, OR - 97203-3797
5210 N Kerby Ave, Portland, OR - 97217-2699
3635 N Williams, Portland, OR - 97227
9030 Se Cooper St, Portland, OR - 97266-5541
7200 Se 60th Ave, Portland, OR - 97206-7599
840 Ne 41st Ave, Portland, OR - 97232-2698
2044 E Burnside St, Portland, OR - 97214-1674
2222 Ne 92nd Ave, Portland, OR - 97220-4397
21200 Nw Rock Creek Blvd, Portland, OR - 97229-1042
5105 Se 97th Ave, Portland, OR - 97266-3799
3905 Se 91st Ave, Portland, OR - 97266-2815
4401 Se Evergreen St, Portland, OR - 97206-7799
1600 Sw Salmon St, Portland, OR - 97205-1782
13200 Se Lincoln St, Portland, OR - 97233-1498
6301 Se 14th Ave, Portland, OR - 97202-5496
7452 Sw 52nd Ave, Portland, OR - 97219-1315
14700 Ne Sacramento St, Portland, OR - 97230-3860
10531 Sw Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR - 97219-6812
7733 Se Raymond St, Portland, OR - 97206-4299
18009 Se Brooklyn St, Portland, OR - 97236-1047
12900 Ne Glisan St, Portland, OR - 97230-2544
2033 Nw Glisan St, Portland, OR - 97209-1199
1900 Se 117th Ave, Portland, OR - 97216-3997
7250 Sw Vermont, Portland, OR - 97223-7574
5800 Se Ash St, Portland, OR - 97215-1293
6031 N Montana, Portland, OR - 97217-4799
15840 Se Taylor St, Portland, OR - 97233-3239
15811 Se Main St, Portland, OR - 97233-3201
12003 Ne Shaver St, Portland, OR - 97220-1499
11800 Ne Shaver St, Portland, OR - 97220-1498
1546 Se 169th Pl, Portland, OR - 97233-4416
8125 N Emerald Ave, Portland, OR - 97217-6199
7507 Se Yamhill St, Portland, OR - 97215
7654 N Delaware St, Portland, OR - 97217
3615 Se 174th St, Portland, OR - 97236-1252
10410 Ne Prescott St, Portland, OR - 97220-3498
5225 Sw Scholls Ferry Rd, Portland, OR - 97225-1611
3670 Sw 78th Ave, Portland, OR - 97225-3010
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Find in Portland
Schools of Portland are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Portland schools of that type.
- Preschools (58)
- Elementary Schools (161)
- Middle Schools (80)
- High Schools (36)
- Public Schools (145)
- Private Schools (69)
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