Elementary Schools in Portland, OR
There's 170 elementary schools found in Portland, OR. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Portland schools on this page to choose from.
Portland Map with Elementary Schools
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List of Portland Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Portland. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in Portland. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
0234 Sw Bancroft St, Portland, OR - 97239-4237
2421 SE Orange Ave, Portland, OR - 97214
2425 Southwest Vista Avenue, Portland, OR - 97201
2732 Northeast Fremont Street, Portland, OR - 97212
17200 Southeast Alder Street, Portland, OR - 97233
601 Ne Cesar E Chavez Blvd, Portland, OR - 97232-3380
15188 Nw Central Dr #202, Portland, OR - 97229
5109 Se 66th Ave, Portland, OR - 97206-4599
13717 Se Division St, Portland, OR - 97236-2841
5601 North Yale St, Portland, OR - 97203-5299
5800 Se Division St, Portland, OR - 97206-1499
7345 Sw Barnes Rd, Portland, OR - 97225-6119
1710 North Humboldt St, Portland, OR - 97217-3599
15188 Nw Central Dr, Portland, OR - 97229-7804
1915 Northeast 33rd Avenue, Portland, OR - 97212
620 North Fremont, Portland, OR - 97227-1299
11775 Northwest McDaniel Road, Portland, OR - 97229
7910 Se Market St, Portland, OR - 97215-3656
2510 Sw 1st Ave, Portland, OR - 97201-4742
4300 Sw 47th Dr, Portland, OR - 97221-3799
320 Se 16th Ave, Portland, OR - 97214-1484
8401 Sw 17th Ave, Portland, OR - 97219-4197
110 Nw 17th Ave, Portland, OR - 97209-2199
11695 Sw Park Way, Portland, OR - 97225-5448
10265 Nw Cornell Rd, Portland, OR - 97229-5248
3030 Southwest 2nd Avenue, Portland, OR - 97201
5103 North Willis Blvd, Portland, OR - 97203-3496
1445 Nw 26th Ave, Portland, OR - 97210-2498
1930 Se 104th Ave, Portland, OR - 97216-3067
2409 N Saratoga St, Portland, OR - 97217-5365
1516 Nw Thurman St, Portland, OR - 97209-2517
4729 Sw Taylors Ferry Rd, Portland, OR - 97219-5262
1231 Se 92nd Ave, Portland, OR - 97216-1858
2730 Northwest Vaughn Street, Portland, OR - 97210
413 Ne 91st Ave, Portland, OR - 97220-5877
6601 Ne Killingsworth St, Portland, OR - 97218-3068
1231 Se 92nd Ave, Portland, OR - 97216-1899
4701 Se Bush St, Portland, OR - 97206-3299
19501 Ne Davis St, Portland, OR - 97230-8035
4906 Ne 6th Ave, Portland, OR - 97211-3999
7700 Se Reed College Pl, Portland, OR - 97202-8499
10822 Se Bush, Portland, OR - 97266-1734
105 Nw Park Ave, Portland, OR - 97209-3315
2930 Ne Dekum St, Portland, OR - 97211-6613
4155 Nw Saltzman Rd, Portland, OR - 97229-2433
13845 Nw Science Park Dr, Portland, OR - 97229-5436
9935 Nw Durrett St, Portland, OR - 97229-9183
8500 Nw Johnson St, Portland, OR - 97229-6780
12839 Se Holgate Blvd, Portland, OR - 97236-3909
13132 Se Ramona St, Portland, OR - 97236-4199
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Find in Portland
Schools of Portland are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Portland schools of that type.
- Preschools (64)
- Elementary Schools (170)
- Middle Schools (89)
- High Schools (39)
- Public Schools (151)
- Private Schools (80)
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