Elementary Schools in Ponce, PR
There's 24 elementary schools found in Ponce, PR. This is about half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Ponce schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Ponce Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Ponce. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific elementary schools from the list.
46 Calle Campeche Bda Belgica, Ponce, PR - 00731
Ave Las Americas Urb Constancia, Ponce, PR - 00731
Calle Solimar Urb Villa Del Ca, Ponce, PR - 00731
P33 Calle 7 Urb El Madrigal, Ponce, PR - 00731
Carr 1 Int 510 Bo La Cuarta Sector Las Palomas, Ponce, PR - 00780
Calle 40 5ra Seccion Urb Jardines Del Caribe, Ponce, PR - 00731
Ave 65 Infanteria Esq Valdivieso Bo Playa, Ponce, PR - 00731
Calle Guadalupe Bo Pueblo, Ponce, PR - 00731
Ave Cementerio Civil Urb San Antonio, Ponce, PR - 00731
301 C Ave Tito Castro, Ponce, PR - 00731
Calle Ramos Antonini 39 Sector El Tuque, Ponce, PR - 00731
Calle E9 Urb Glenview Garden, Ponce, PR - 00733
4 Calles Bo San Anton, Ponce, PR - 00731
Ave Roosevelt Bda Baldorioty, Ponce, PR - 00731
Calle Hucar Bo Sabanetas Merceditas, Ponce, PR - 00715
Calle Eduardo Cuevas Urb Villa Grillasca, Ponce, PR - 00731
Calle 13 Urb Jardines Del Caribe, Ponce, PR - 00731
Carr 14 Bo Cerrillos, Ponce, PR - 00731
Urb San Antonio 50 Calle 9, Ponce, PR - 00728
Calle 3 Parc Llanos Del Sur Bo Coto Laurel, Ponce, PR - 00780
Ave Eduardo Ruberte Parque Amalia Marin, Ponce, PR - 00733
Ave Las Americas, Ponce, PR - 00733
Ave Tito Castro Carr. 14, Ponce, PR - 00731
Calle 23 Urb Santa Teresita, Ponce, PR - 00731
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Find in Ponce
Schools of Ponce are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Ponce schools of that type.
- Preschools (5)
- Elementary Schools (24)
- Middle Schools (18)
- High Schools (9)
- Public Schools (40)
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