High Schools in Peoria, IL
There's 18 high schools found in Peoria, IL. This is 30% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Peoria schools on this page to choose from.
Peoria Map with High Schools
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List of Peoria High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in Peoria. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific high schools from the list.
1419 S Folkers Ave, Peoria, IL - 61605-1391
5407 N University St, Peoria, IL - 61614-6301
1419 S Folkers Ave, Peoria, IL - 61605-1391
404 Ne Madison Ave, Peoria, IL - 61603-3720
2628 N Knoxville Ave, Peoria, IL - 61604-3650
2628 N Knoxville Ave, Peoria, IL - 61604-3650
4201 Airport Rd, Peoria, IL - 61607-2113
811 S Griswold St, Peoria, IL - 61605-1458
3202 N Wisconsin Ave, Peoria, IL - 61603-1260
3506 N California Ave, Peoria, IL - 61603-1106
4201 Airport Rd, Peoria, IL - 61607-2113
2000 W Pioneer Pkwy, Peoria, IL - 61615-1835
1615 N North St, Peoria, IL - 61604-4131
5105 N Sheridan Rd, Peoria, IL - 61614-4855
6301 N University St, Peoria, IL - 61614-3453
2721 W Richwoods Blvd, Peoria, IL - 61604-1120
5617 N Merrimac Ave, Peoria, IL - 61614-3928
1800 Ne Perry Ave, Peoria, IL - 61603-3461
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Find in Peoria
Schools of Peoria are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Peoria schools of that type.
- Preschools (18)
- Elementary Schools (48)
- Middle Schools (36)
- High Schools (18)
- Public Schools (45)
- Private Schools (16)
Find High Schools in Illinois
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