Elementary Schools in Peoria, IL
There's 48 elementary schools found in Peoria, IL. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Peoria schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Peoria Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Peoria. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific elementary schools from the list.
7229 North Knoxville Avenue, Peoria, IL - 61614
6327 N Sheridan Rd, Peoria, IL - 61614-3033
5221 West Timberedge Dr, Peoria, IL - 61615-3244
1311 S Faraday Ave, Peoria, IL - 61605-3315
2000 W Glen Ave, Peoria, IL - 61614-4698
1419 S Folkers Ave, Peoria, IL - 61605-1391
2503 North University St, Peoria, IL - 61604-2601
1907 West Forrest Hill Ave, Peoria, IL - 61604-1919
6301 N Syler St, Peoria, IL - 61615-2927
807 West Columbia Ter, Peoria, IL - 61606-1334
2100 N Wisconsin Ave, Peoria, IL - 61603-2610
2727 W Krause Ave, Peoria, IL - 61605-2906
4603 N Knoxville Ave, Peoria, IL - 61614-6107
5613 W Tuscarora Rd, Peoria, IL - 61607-9564
2329 W Reservoir Blvd, Peoria, IL - 61615-4221
6413 N Mount Hawley Rd, Peoria, IL - 61614-3017
404 Ne Madison Ave, Peoria, IL - 61603-3720
8223 W Smithville Rd, Peoria, IL - 61607-9428
700 Mary St, Peoria, IL - 61603-3432
6001 N Frostwood Pkwy, Peoria, IL - 61615-2837
10720 N Knoxville Ave, Peoria, IL - 61615-1142
1819 W Northmoor Rd, Peoria, IL - 61614-3332
6521 W Farmington Rd, Peoria, IL - 61604-4419
200 S Main St, Peoria, IL - 61604-5771
3202 N Wisconsin Ave, Peoria, IL - 61603-1260
2711 W Willow Knolls Dr, Peoria, IL - 61614-1116
3506 N California Ave, Peoria, IL - 61603-1106
5614 N University St, Peoria, IL - 61614-4157
3717 W Malone St, Peoria, IL - 61605-1263
3314 W Richwoods Blvd, Peoria, IL - 61604-1027
4623 W Red Bud Dr, Peoria, IL - 61604-4676
2503 N University St, Peoria, IL - 61604-2601
3903 W Ridgeview Dr, Peoria, IL - 61615-8706
2721 W Richwoods Blvd, Peoria, IL - 61604-1120
5617 N Merrimac Ave, Peoria, IL - 61614-3928
1704 W Aiken Ave, Peoria, IL - 61605-1701
3523 W Hill St, Peoria, IL - 61605-1127
10911 N Knoxville Ave, Peoria, IL - 61615-1114
711 N Underhill St, Peoria, IL - 61606-2404
3216 N Emery Ave, Peoria, IL - 61604-1446
6001 N University St, Peoria, IL - 61614-4164
2315 N Sterling Ave, Peoria, IL - 61604-3124
1419 S Folkers Ave, Peoria, IL - 61605-1391
801 East Forrest Hill Ave, Peoria, IL - 61603-1341
3706 North Grand Blvd, Peoria, IL - 61614-7840
1619 West Fredonia Ave, Peoria, IL - 61606-1664
10021 North Pacific St, Peoria, IL - 61615-9653
1800 Ne Perry Ave, Peoria, IL - 61603-3461
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Find in Peoria
Schools of Peoria are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Peoria schools of that type.
- Preschools (18)
- Elementary Schools (48)
- Middle Schools (36)
- High Schools (18)
- Public Schools (45)
- Private Schools (16)
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