Middle Schools in Paw Paw, IL
There's 1 middle school found in Paw Paw, IL. This is about half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Paw Paw schools on this page to choose from.
Paw Paw Map with Middle Schools
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List of Paw Paw Middle Schools
There is only one middle school listed in Paw Paw. Click on the middle school name bellow to find detailed information on it.
Po Box 37, Paw Paw, IL - 61353-0037
Other Middle Schools Nearby
The following middle schools are located nearby Paw Paw.
Earlville Elementary School (7.6 miles)Po Box 539, Earlville, IL - 60518-0539
Leland Elementary School (10.5 miles)370 N Main St, Leland, IL - 60531-9400
Steward Elementary School (11.2 miles)Po Box 76, Steward, IL - 60553-0076
Northbrook School (11.3 miles)1804 Guiles Ave, Mendota, IL - 61342-1204
Indian Creek Middle School (11.9 miles)335 E Garfield St, Waterman, IL - 60556-9825
Holy Cross Elementary School (12 miles)1008 Jefferson St, Mendota, IL - 61342-1598
Somonauk Middle School (15.5 miles)510 W Lasalle St, Somonauk, IL - 60552-9795
Creston Elementary School (16.7 miles)Po Box 37, Creston, IL - 60113-0037
Rochelle Middle School (17.2 miles)111 School Ave, Rochelle, IL - 61068-9130
St Paul Lutheran School (17.6 miles)1415 10th Ave, Rochelle, IL - 61068-1298
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Find in Paw Paw
Schools of Paw Paw are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Paw Paw schools of that type.
- Elementary Schools (1)
- Middle Schools (1)
- Public Schools (2)
Find Middle Schools in Illinois
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