Public Schools in Parkersburg, WV
There's 18 public schools found in Parkersburg, WV. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Parkersburg schools on this page to choose from.
Parkersburg Map with Public Schools
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List of Parkersburg Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Parkersburg. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific public schools from the list.
448 Jewel Rd, Parkersburg, WV - 26101-9545
444 Jewel Rd, Parkersburg, WV - 26101-9545
212 Technology Dr, Parkersburg, WV - 26104
2800 22nd St, Parkersburg, WV - 26101-3812
1201 Hillcrest St, Parkersburg, WV - 26101-7099
1605 36th St, Parkersburg, WV - 26104-1939
615 Broadway Ave, Parkersburg, WV - 26101-6637
1511 Division St Ext, Parkersburg, WV - 26101-9363
2000 Belmont Rd, Parkersburg, WV - 26101-9024
3501 Cadillac Dr, Parkersburg, WV - 26104-2199
1103 Plum St, Parkersburg, WV - 26101-4936
206 Lubeck Rd, Parkersburg, WV - 26101-9533
1426 32nd St, Parkersburg, WV - 26104-1893
1301 Hillcrest St, Parkersburg, WV - 26101-7082
2101 Dudley Ave, Parkersburg, WV - 26101-3492
1511 Blizzard Dr, Parkersburg, WV - 26101-6424
918 31st St, Parkersburg, WV - 26104-2436
1515 Blizzard Dr, Parkersburg, WV - 26101-6424
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Find in Parkersburg
Schools of Parkersburg are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Parkersburg schools of that type.
- Preschools (13)
- Elementary Schools (14)
- Middle Schools (8)
- High Schools (7)
- Public Schools (18)
- Private Schools (5)
Find Public Schools in West Virginia
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