High Schools in Oviedo, FL
There's 4 high schools found in Oviedo, FL. This is 22% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Oviedo schools on this page to choose from.
Oviedo Map with High Schools
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List of Oviedo High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in Oviedo. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
1486 Swanson Dr Ste 100, Oviedo, FL - 32765-5859
975 Oklahoma St, Oviedo, FL - 32765-9104
3225 Lockwood Blvd, Oviedo, FL - 32765
601 King St, Oviedo, FL - 32765-8106
Other High Schools Nearby
The following high schools are located nearby Oviedo.
Circle Christian School (3.5 miles)1491 E State Road 434, Winter Springs, FL - 32708
Arbor School of Central Florida (5.4 miles)1010 Spring Villas Pt, Winter Springs, FL - 32708
4200 Dike Rd, Winter Park, FL - 32792-6399
130 Tuskawilla Rd, Winter Springs, FL - 32708-2831
Socrates Preparatory School (5.8 miles)3955 Red Bug Lake Rd, Casselberry, FL - 32707-5501
2450 Cougar Way, Orlando, FL - 32817-3500
5700 Trinity Prep Ln, Winter Park, FL - 32792-9399
Sunset Christian Preparatory (6.6 miles)11887 E Colonial Dr, Orlando, FL - 32826-4723
International Community School (6.7 miles)4800 Howell Branch Rd, Winter Park, FL - 32792-7336
Econ River High Charter (6.8 miles)14180 E Colonial Dr Ste A, Orlando, FL - 32826-5065
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Find in Oviedo
Schools of Oviedo are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Oviedo schools of that type.
- Preschools (9)
- Elementary Schools (12)
- Middle Schools (7)
- High Schools (4)
- Public Schools (11)
- Private Schools (7)
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