Middle Schools in Oswego, NY
There's 2 middle schools found in Oswego, NY. This is 25% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Oswego schools on this page to choose from.
Oswego Map with Middle Schools
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List of Oswego Middle Schools
Following is the list of all middle schools found in Oswego. The middle schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
400 E Albany St, Oswego, NY - 13126-2995
Mark Fitzgibbons Dr, Oswego, NY - 13126-4000
Other Middle Schools Nearby
The following middle schools are located nearby Oswego.
Kenney Middle School (10.7 miles)846 Cayuga St, Hannibal, NY - 13074
Fulton Junior High School (11.6 miles)129 Curtis St, Fulton, NY - 13069-9489
Oswego Boces (12.2 miles)179 County Rte 64, Mexico, NY - 13114
Mexico Middle School (13 miles)16 Fravor Rd, Mexico, NY - 13114-3432
Emerson J Dillon Middle School (18.3 miles)116 Volney St, Phoenix, NY - 13135-9780
Red Creek Middle School (18.5 miles)6608 South St, Red Creek, NY - 13143-0190
Cato-meridian Junior-senior High School (19.8 miles)2851 Stateroute 370, Cato, NY - 13033-0100
Pulaski Middle-high School (20.1 miles)4624 Salina St, Pulaski, NY - 13142-2199
Theodore R Durgee Junior High School (21.8 miles)29 E Oneida St, Baldwinsville, NY - 13027-2483
Altmar-parish-williamstown Jr/sr High School (22.6 miles)639 County Rt 22, Parish, NY - 13131-0097
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Find in Oswego
Schools of Oswego are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Oswego schools of that type.
- Preschools (6)
- Elementary Schools (6)
- Middle Schools (2)
- High Schools (1)
- Public Schools (6)
- Private Schools (2)
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