Private Schools in Oroville, CA
There's 3 private schools found in Oroville, CA. This is 10% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Oroville schools on this page to choose from.
Oroville Map with Private Schools
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List of Oroville Private Schools
Following is the list of all private schools found in Oroville. The private schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
27 Cox Ln, Oroville, CA - 95965-9660
3785 Olive Hwy, Oroville, CA - 95966-5522
1380 Bird St, Oroville, CA - 95965-4793
Other Private Schools Nearby
The following private schools are located nearby Oroville.
Maranatha Christian School (11.7 miles)75 Los Verjeles, Bangor, CA - 95914
Hopeacademy for Personalized Education (20.4 miles)1888 Springfield, Chico, CA - 95928-7315
Notre Dame School (21.4 miles)435 Hazel St, Chico, CA - 95928-5298
Upward International Schools, Pines Academy Campus (21.6 miles)14098 Skyway, Magalia, CA - 95954-9446
Paradise Adventist Academy (21.7 miles)1877 Hooker Oak Ave, Chico, CA - 95926
River Valley Christian School (23.8 miles)8187 County Road 48, Glenn, CA - 95943
Magalia Adventist School (24.8 miles)15204 Skyway, Magalia, CA - 95954
Bible Baptist Schools (26 miles)2787 N Beale Rd, Marysville, CA - 95901-8044
Adventist Christian School (26.7 miles)369 Harding Rd, Yuba City, CA - 95993-5114
Pleasant Valley Baptist School (26.7 miles)13539 Garner Ln, Chico, CA - 95973-9259
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Schools of Oroville are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Oroville schools of that type.
- Preschools (1)
- Elementary Schools (22)
- Middle Schools (14)
- High Schools (10)
- Public Schools (26)
- Private Schools (3)
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