Public Schools in Old Bethpage, NY
There's 1 public school found in Old Bethpage, NY. This is about half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Old Bethpage schools on this page to choose from.
Old Bethpage Map with Public Schools
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List of Old Bethpage Public Schools
There is only one public school listed in Old Bethpage. Click on the public school name bellow to find detailed information on it.
1159 Round Swamp Rd, Old Bethpage, NY - 11804-1198
Other Public Schools Nearby
The following public schools are located nearby Old Bethpage.
Charles Campagne School (1 miles)601 Plainview Rd, Bethpage, NY - 11714-1499
John F Kennedy Middle School (1 miles)500 Broadway, Bethpage, NY - 11714-2200
Bethpage Senior High School (1.3 miles)10 Cherry Ave, Bethpage, NY - 11714-1595
Howitt School (1.6 miles)70 Van Cott Ave, Farmingdale, NY - 11735-3729
Kramer Lane Elementary School (1.7 miles)1 Kramer Ln, Plainview, NY - 11803-6013
Central Boulevard Elementary School (1.8 miles)60 Central Blvd, Bethpage, NY - 11714-4699
H B Mattlin Middle School (2 miles)100 Washington Ave, Plainview, NY - 11803-4099
Plainedge Middle School (2.1 miles)200 Stewart Ave, Bethpage, NY - 11714-5341
Plainview-old Bethpage/jfk High School (2.1 miles)50 Kennedy Dr, Plainview, NY - 11803-4098
Northside Elementary School (2.2 miles)55 Powell Pl, Farmingdale, NY - 11735-1997
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Find in Old Bethpage
Schools of Old Bethpage are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Old Bethpage schools of that type.
- Elementary Schools (1)
- Public Schools (1)
- Private Schools (1)
Find Public Schools in New York
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