Preschools in Olathe, KS
There's 39 preschools found in Olathe, KS. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Olathe schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Olathe Preschools
Following is the list of all preschools found in Olathe. The preschools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific preschools from the list.
14435 South Blackbob Road, Olathe, KS - 66062
16150 S Brougham Dr, Olathe, KS - 66062
14701 South Brougham Dr, Olathe, KS - 66062-2628
14101 South Brougham Dr, Olathe, KS - 66062-2085
15500 S Brougham Dr, Olathe, KS - 66062-3100
11150 S Clare Rd, Olathe, KS - 66061
305 E Cedar St, Olathe, KS - 66061-4492
930 South Clearwater Creek Drive, Olathe, KS - 66061
15800 W 124th Terr, Olathe, KS - 66062-1116
600 North Marion, Olathe, KS - 66061-2497
12567 South Canyon Drive, Olathe, KS - 66061
14675 S Alden St, Olathe, KS - 66062-4888
1700 E Sheridan St, Olathe, KS - 66062-2198
13745 W 123rd St, Olathe, KS - 66062
16000 S Blackbob Rd, Olathe, KS - 66062-9510
16000 S Blackbob Rd, Olathe, KS - 66062-9510
1700 E Pawnee Dr, Olathe, KS - 66062-3200
15800 W Indian Creek Pkwy, Olathe, KS - 66062-4212
16651 S. Warwick St, Olathe, KS - 66062
1300 N Nelson Rd, Olathe, KS - 66061-2746
21880 College Blvd, Olathe, KS - 66061-8706
11751 S Sunnybrook Blvd, Olathe, KS - 66061
905 N Woodland Rd, Olathe, KS - 66061-2899
629 N Persimmon Dr, Olathe, KS - 66061-5918
17077 W 165th St, Olathe, KS - 66062
12211 S. Clinton St, Olathe, KS - 66061
13250 S Greenwood, Olathe, KS - 66062
1201 E Elm St, Olathe, KS - 66061-4896
1500 W Elm Terr, Olathe, KS - 66061-3999
2000 S Lindenwood Dr, Olathe, KS - 66062-2899
450 East Park Street, Olathe, KS - 66061
21650 W 115th Ter, Olathe, KS - 66061-5783
16025 South Lindenwood Drive, Olathe, KS - 66062
15800 W 173rd Terrace, Olathe, KS - 66062
13820 South Brougham Dr, Olathe, KS - 66062-1984
11800 South Pflumm Rd, Olathe, KS - 66062-9600
1202 North Ridgeview, Olathe, KS - 66061-2946
601 South Lee Avenue, Olathe, KS - 66061
11601 South Woodland Street, Olathe, KS - 66061
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Find in Olathe
Schools of Olathe are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Olathe schools of that type.
- Preschools (39)
- Elementary Schools (41)
- Middle Schools (16)
- High Schools (8)
- Public Schools (53)
- Private Schools (5)
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