Middle Schools in Oklahoma City, OK
There's 65 middle schools found in Oklahoma City, OK. This is about one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Oklahoma City schools on this page to choose from.
Oklahoma City Map with Middle Schools
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List of Oklahoma City Middle Schools
Following is the list of all middle schools found in Oklahoma City. The middle schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays middle schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more middle schools in Oklahoma City. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific middle schools from the list.
3616 Sw 119th St, Oklahoma City, OK - 73170-4527
2401 Nw 23rd St, Oklahoma City, OK - 73107-3107
5904 North Villa Ave, Oklahoma City, OK - 73112-3112
1100 Northwest 32nd Street, Oklahoma City, OK - 73118
1700 South Council, Oklahoma City, OK - 73128-3128
11420 South Western Ave, Oklahoma City, OK - 73170-3170
3600 S Sara Road, Oklahoma City, OK - 73099-3099
2717 S Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK - 73109-3109
2515 South Post Rd, Oklahoma City, OK - 73130-3130
9500 N Pennsylvania Ave, Oklahoma City, OK - 73120
1905 Elmhurst Ave, Oklahoma City, OK - 73120-4719
1901 North Ellison Ave, Oklahoma City, OK - 73106-3106
8001 River Bend Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK - 73132-3132
14200 S May Ave, Oklahoma City, OK - 73170-5510
1001 Sw 126th St, Oklahoma City, OK - 73170
1901 Southeast 15th St, Oklahoma City, OK - 73129-3129
14400 N Portland Ave, Oklahoma City, OK - 73134-4007
2401 North Air Depot Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK - 73141-3141
7124 S I 35 Service Rd, Oklahoma City, OK - 73149-3149
715 North Walker Ave, Oklahoma City, OK - 73102-3102
1900 Nw Expy Floor R3, Oklahoma City, OK - 73118-3118
1900 Nw Expy Floor R3, Oklahoma City, OK - 73118-3118
4101 Nw 122nd St, Oklahoma City, OK - 73120-3120
1900 Nw Expy Floor R3, Oklahoma City, OK - 73118-3118
8400 North Macarthur Boulevard, Oklahoma City, OK - 73132-3132
1800 Nw 122nd St, Oklahoma City, OK - 73120-9598
3232 Nw 65th Street, Oklahoma City, OK - 73116-3116
6800 South Blackwelder Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK - 73159-3159
12201 North Portland Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK - 73120-3120
500 West Sheridan, Oklahoma City, OK - 73102-5001
10600 N May Ave, Oklahoma City, OK - 73120-8148
8400 N Robinson Ave, Oklahoma City, OK - 73114-3114
3301 N Martin Luther King Ave, Oklahoma City, OK - 73111-4216
2601 South Villa, Oklahoma City, OK - 73108-3108
1600 North Purdue Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK - 73127-3127
3600 Nw Expy, Oklahoma City, OK - 73112-4410
6720 North Martin Luther King Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK - 73111-3111
1901 North Ellisoin, Oklahoma City, OK - 73106-3106
4400 Nw Expy, Oklahoma City, OK - 73116
4201 N Martin Luther King Ave, Oklahoma City, OK - 73111-6252
1601 Northwest 36th Street, Oklahoma City, OK - 73118-3118
11501 W Britton Rd, Oklahoma City, OK - 73099-3099
4000 Spencer Road, Oklahoma City, OK - 73084-3084
4000 Spencer Road, Oklahoma City, OK - 73084-3084
3233 Southwest 44th Street, Oklahoma City, OK - 73119-3119
1919 Nw 18th St, Oklahoma City, OK - 73106-1818
2700 S Shartel Ave, Oklahoma City, OK - 73109-2245
6921 Plaza Mayor Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK - 73149-3149
6500 Land Ave, Oklahoma City, OK - 73159-3159
6700 South Hudson, Oklahoma City, OK - 73139-3139
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Find in Oklahoma City
Schools of Oklahoma City are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Oklahoma City schools of that type.
- Preschools (108)
- Elementary Schools (139)
- Middle Schools (65)
- High Schools (45)
- Public Schools (156)
- Private Schools (35)
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