Leadership Learning Academy - Ogden
School Details
Following is the detailed information on Leadership Learning Academy - Ogden based on the data provided by National Center for Education Statistics.
Students by Grades
Following chart shows the distribution of students in different grades offered by Leadership Learning Academy - Ogden.
Students by Race
Following chart shows the distribution of students based on races.
Students by Gender
Following chart shows the ratio of male and female students of Leadership Learning Academy - Ogden.
Nearby Elementary Schools
Following is a list of other elementary schools found within few miles of Leadership Learning Academy - Ogden. You may also view all elementary schools in Ogden , Utah.
Bonneville School (0.4 miles)490 Gramercy Avenue, Ogden, UT - 84404(801) 737-8900
Kenneth Burdett School (0.6 miles)742 Harrison Blvd, Ogden, UT - 84404(801) 629-4700
North Region Blind (0.6 miles)742 Harrison Blvd, Ogden, UT - 84404(801) 629-4735
East Ridge Elementary School (0.8 miles)1300 - 9th Street, Ogden, UT - 84404(801) 737-7600
Canyon View School (1.1 miles)1100 Orchard Ave, Ogden, UT - 84404(801) 476-3960
Childrens Classic (1.5 miles)160 9th St, Ogden, UT - 84404-4814
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