Private Schools in Ocala, FL
There's 26 private schools found in Ocala, FL. This is more than one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Ocala schools on this page to choose from.
Ocala Map with Private Schools
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List of Ocala Private Schools
Following is the list of all private schools found in Ocala. The private schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific private schools from the list.
507 Se Broadway St, Ocala, FL - 34471-2250
5 Se 17th St, Ocala, FL - 34471-5199
3681 Ne 7th St, Ocala, FL - 34470-1045
500 Nw 76th Ter, Ocala, FL - 34482-8245
4790 N Us Highway 441, Ocala, FL - 34475-1595
907 Sw 3rd. St, Ocala, FL - 34471-0207
907 Sw 3rd St, Ocala, FL - 34471-1508
1827 Ne 14th St, Ocala, FL - 34470-4631
4410 Se 3rd Ave, Ocala, FL - 34480-4706
4741 Sw 20th St Bldg 1, Ocala, FL - 34474-9332
9880 Sw 84th Ct Ste D, Ocala, FL - 34481-7203
2967 E Silver Springs Blvd, Ocala, FL - 34470-7001
1100 Northeast 31st Street, Ocala, FL - 34479
415 Ne 41st Ave, Ocala, FL - 34470-1462
1714 Se 36th Ave, Ocala, FL - 34471-5599
3732 Ne 7th St, Ocala, FL - 34470-1044
7634 Sw 60th Ave, Ocala, FL - 34476-6402
155 Sw 87th Pl, Ocala, FL - 34476-7109
500 Sw 17th Ave, Ocala, FL - 34471-1421
1915 Southeast Lake Weir Avenue, Ocala, FL - 34471
800 Se 41st Ave, Ocala, FL - 34471-4870
2313 Southeast Lake Weir Avenue, Ocala, FL - 34471
1333 Southeast 17th Street, Ocala, FL - 34471
3850 W Anthony Rd, Ocala, FL - 34475-8738
2600 Sw 42nd St, Ocala, FL - 34471-7771
328 Ne 1st Ave, Ocala, FL - 34470
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Find in Ocala
Schools of Ocala are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Ocala schools of that type.
- Preschools (32)
- Elementary Schools (50)
- Middle Schools (37)
- High Schools (31)
- Public Schools (45)
- Private Schools (26)
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