Public Schools in Oakland, CA
There's 123 public schools found in Oakland, CA. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Oakland schools on this page to choose from.
Oakland Map with Public Schools
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List of Oakland Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Oakland. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Oakland. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
1700 28th Ave., Oakland, CA - 94621-2455
1025 81st Ave, Oakland, CA - 94621-2455
746 Grand Ave., Oakland, CA - 94607-2714
171 12th St., Oakland, CA - 94607-4900
3670 Penniman Ave, Oakland, CA - 94619-1116
6221 East 17th St., Oakland, CA - 94621-4107
171 12th St., Oakland, CA - 94607-4900
3301 East 12th St. Ste. 205, Oakland, CA - 94601-2940
3709 East 12th St., Oakland, CA - 94601-4001
6200 San Pablo Ave., Oakland, CA - 94608-2228
8030 Atherton St., Oakland, CA - 94605-3430
1009 66th Ave., Oakland, CA - 94610-3430
400 105th Ave., Oakland, CA - 94603-2968
1445 101st Ave., Oakland, CA - 94603-3207
3200 62nd Ave., Oakland, CA - 94605-1614
1034 66th Ave., Oakland, CA - 94621-3536
8251 Fontaine St., Oakland, CA - 94605-4109
1025 East 28th St, Oakland, CA - 94610-4018
3700 Coolidge Ave, Oakland, CA - 94602-3309
1325 53rd Ave., Oakland, CA - 94601-5728
401 Jones Ave., Oakland, CA - 94603-1123
3994 Burckhalter Ave, Oakland, CA - 94605-2616
11900 Campus Dr, Oakland, CA - 94619-3104
8601 Macarthur Blvd, Oakland, CA - 94605-4037
6686 Chabot Rd, Oakland, CA - 94618-1641
5750 College Ave., Oakland, CA - 94618-1629
745 Cleveland St, Oakland, CA - 94606-1513
1390 66th Ave, Oakland, CA - 94621-3506
4917 Mountain Blvd., Oakland, CA - 94619-3014
2111 International Blvd., Oakland, CA - 94606-4903
9860 Sunnyside St., Oakland, CA - 94603-2750
525 Midcrest Rd., Oakland, CA - 94610-1813
1111 2nd Avenue, Oakland, CA - 94606
2000 Dennison St., Oakland, CA - 94606-5201
3400 Malcolm Ave., Oakland, CA - 94605-5353
8000 Birch St, Oakland, CA - 94621-2123
3748 13th Ave., Oakland, CA - 94610-2820
1800 98th Ave., Oakland, CA - 94603-2702
4803 Lawton Ave, Oakland, CA - 94609-2208
1025 81st Ave, Oakland, CA - 94621-2455
1515 Webster St., Oakland, CA - 94612-3355
1045 Derby Ave., Oakland, CA - 94601-2212
10315 East St, Oakland, CA - 94603-3133
9736 Lawlor St., Oakland, CA - 94605-4735
915 Foothill Blvd, Oakland, CA - 94606-3013
10315 E St., Oakland, CA - 94603-3133
4610 Foothill Blvd., Oakland, CA - 94601-4618
2845 64th Ave., Oakland, CA - 94605-2027
3200 Boston Ave., Oakland, CA - 94602-2899
1640 22nd Ave., Oakland, CA - 94606-4710
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Find in Oakland
Schools of Oakland are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Oakland schools of that type.
- Preschools (11)
- Elementary Schools (104)
- Middle Schools (68)
- High Schools (51)
- Public Schools (123)
- Private Schools (41)
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