Private Schools in Oakland, CA
There's 41 private schools found in Oakland, CA. This is 25% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Oakland schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Oakland Private Schools
Following is the list of all private schools found in Oakland. The private schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific private schools from the list.
40 Dulwich Rd, Oakland, CA - 94618-2200
521 Boden Way, Oakland, CA - 94610-3609
1 Hiller Dr, Oakland, CA - 94618-2301
9500 Stearns Ave, Oakland, CA - 94605-4799
2440 12 St Number B, Oakland, CA - 94606-2733
3535 38th Ave, Oakland, CA - 94619-1308
1530 34th Ave, Oakland, CA - 94601
410 Alcatraz Ave, Oakland, CA - 94609-1106
4000 Redwood Rd, Oakland, CA - 94619-2328
3800 Coolidge Ave, Oakland, CA - 94602-3311
466 Chetwood St, Oakland, CA - 94610-2649
4700 Lincoln Ave, Oakland, CA - 94602-2535
4315 Lincoln Ave, Oakland, CA - 94602-2528
4660 Harbord Dr, Oakland, CA - 94618-2211
8924 Holly St, Oakland, CA - 94621-1112
5000 Macarthur Blvd, Oakland, CA - 94613-1301
388 9th St, Oakland, CA - 94607
900 Alice St #10, Oakland, CA - 94607-4292
5951 College Ave, Oakland, CA - 94618-1325
4432 Mountain Blvd, Oakland, CA - 94619-3045
5500 Redwood Rd, Oakland, CA - 94619-3120
215 Ridgeway Ave, Oakland, CA - 94611-5123
360 42nd St, Oakland, CA - 94609-2655
2433 Coolidge Ave, Oakland, CA - 94601-2630
1575 7th St, Oakland, CA - 94607-1966
3520 Mountain Blvd, Oakland, CA - 94619-1627
3245 Sheffield Ave, Oakland, CA - 94602-1511
5610 Broadway, Oakland, CA - 94618-1551
5633 Manila Ave, Oakland, CA - 94618-1530
4238 Howe St, Oakland, CA - 94611-4705
3695 High St, Oakland, CA - 94619-2105
6325 Camden St, Oakland, CA - 94605-1640
1500 34th Ave, Oakland, CA - 94601
1516 33rd Ave, Oakland, CA - 94601-3016
262 Grand Ave, Oakland, CA - 94610
116 Montecito Ave, Oakland, CA - 94610-4598
4850 Clarewood Dr, Oakland, CA - 94618-2514
1086 8th St, Oakland, CA - 94607-2697
246 14th St, Oakland, CA - 94612-4006
6100 Broadway, Oakland, CA - 94618-1899
3668 Dimond Ave, Oakland, CA - 94602-2213
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Find in Oakland
Schools of Oakland are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Oakland schools of that type.
- Preschools (11)
- Elementary Schools (104)
- Middle Schools (68)
- High Schools (51)
- Public Schools (123)
- Private Schools (41)
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