Elementary Schools in Norfolk, VA
There's 57 elementary schools found in Norfolk, VA. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Norfolk schools on this page to choose from.
Norfolk Map with Elementary Schools
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List of Norfolk Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Norfolk. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in Norfolk. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
1701 Alsace Ave, Norfolk, VA - 23509
1434 Bay View Blvd, Norfolk, VA - 23503-3944
501 C Street, Norfolk, VA - 23505
2915 Westminster Ave, Norfolk, VA - 23504
3401 Tidewater Dr, Norfolk, VA - 23509-1251
2445 Palmyra St, Norfolk, VA - 23513-4423
8021 Old Ocean View Rd., Norfolk, VA - 23518
400 W 24th St, Norfolk, VA - 23517-1205
450 E Bute St, Norfolk, VA - 23510
820 Colonial Ave, Norfolk, VA - 23507-1810
200 Shirley Ave, Norfolk, VA - 23517
610 Mowbray Arch, Norfolk, VA - 23507-1851
7101 Newport Ave, Norfolk, VA - 23505
976 Ingleside Rd, Norfolk, VA - 23502
1300 Marshall Ave, Norfolk, VA - 23504
520 W 29th St, Norfolk, VA - 23508
601 Childrens Ln, Norfolk, VA - 23507
1380 Kempsville Rd, Norfolk, VA - 23502
1145 Bolling Ave, Norfolk, VA - 23508
7600 Halprin Dr, Norfolk, VA - 23518
5160 Beamon Rd, Norfolk, VA - 23513
2700 Ludlow St, Norfolk, VA - 23504
7900 Tarpon Place, Norfolk, VA - 23518
7400 Hampton Blvd, Norfolk, VA - 23505-1780
137 Westmont Avenue, Norfolk, VA - 23503
4200 Granby St, Norfolk, VA - 23504-1110
1585 Wesleyan Dr, Norfolk, VA - 23502-5512
255 Thole St, Norfolk, VA - 23505-4199
5429 Tidewater Dr, Norfolk, VA - 23509-1438
7336 Granby St, Norfolk, VA - 23505-3492
6401 Chesapeake Blvd, Norfolk, VA - 23513
9504 Selby Pl, Norfolk, VA - 23503-2913
350 W. Government Ave., Norfolk, VA - 23503
600 Dudley Avenue, Norfolk, VA - 23503
422 Shirley Ave, Norfolk, VA - 23517-2109
543 E. Olney Rd, Norfolk, VA - 23510
2700 E. Princess Anne Rd., Norfolk, VA - 23504
610 May Ave., Norfolk, VA - 23504
844 Jerome Ave, Norfolk, VA - 23518-3708
7928 Hampton Blvd, Norfolk, VA - 23505
3035 Sherwood Forest Lane, Norfolk, VA - 23513
2600 East Princess Anne Rd, Norfolk, VA - 23504-2104
903 S Main St, Norfolk, VA - 23523
8918 Tidewater Dr, Norfolk, VA - 23503-4950
1000 Bolling Ave, Norfolk, VA - 23508-1604
224 S Military Hwy, Norfolk, VA - 23502-5231
7800 Halprin Dr, Norfolk, VA - 23518-4498
310 Thole St, Norfolk, VA - 23505-4247
1335 Longdale Dr, Norfolk, VA - 23513-4741
2080 Tarrallton Dr, Norfolk, VA - 23518-3012
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Find in Norfolk
Schools of Norfolk are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Norfolk schools of that type.
- Preschools (45)
- Elementary Schools (57)
- Middle Schools (28)
- High Schools (19)
- Public Schools (46)
- Private Schools (28)
Find Elementary Schools in Virginia
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