Preschools in Newark, NJ
There's 53 preschools found in Newark, NJ. This is about half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Newark schools on this page to choose from.
Newark Map with Preschools
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List of Newark Preschools
Following is the list of all preschools found in Newark. The preschools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays preschools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more preschools in Newark. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific preschools from the list.
209 Abington Ave, Newark, NJ - 07107-2507
4 Fleming Avenue, Newark, NJ - 07105
219 Avon Ave, Newark, NJ - 07108-2801
1 Belmont Runyon Way, Newark, NJ - 07108-2406
333 Clinton Place, Newark, NJ - 07112-1563
281 Camden St, Newark, NJ - 07103-2635
321 Chancellor Ave, Newark, NJ - 07112-1201
150 Third St, Newark, NJ - 07104-2002
291 N 7th St, Newark, NJ - 07107-1799
70 Montgomery Street, Newark, NJ - 07103
228 Ridge Street, Newark, NJ - 07104
255 Chancellor Avenue, Newark, NJ - 07112
104 Oliver Street, Newark, NJ - 07105
284 First Ave, Newark, NJ - 07104-3422
214 First Ave, Newark, NJ - 07107-1802
26 Speedway Ave, Newark, NJ - 07106
42 Park Ave, Newark, NJ - 07104-1044
333 Clinton Pl, Newark, NJ - 07112-1563
909 Broad Street, Newark, NJ - 07102
388 Bergen St, Newark, NJ - 07103-2232
962 S Orange Ave, Newark, NJ - 07106-1801
504 S Tenth St, Newark, NJ - 07103-1802
428 Hawthorne Ave, Newark, NJ - 07112
107 Ivy Street, Newark, NJ - 07106
311 S Tenth St, Newark, NJ - 07103-2114
205 Lafayette St, Newark, NJ - 07105-1843
87 Richelieu Ter, Newark, NJ - 07106-2419
66 Muhammad Ali Avenue, Newark, NJ - 07108-2914
663 Broadway, Newark, NJ - 07104
125 Sussex Ave, Newark, NJ - 07103-2047
1 Colonnade Pl, Newark, NJ - 07104-1810
186 14th Avenue, Newark, NJ - 07103
142 Mount Vernon Pl, Newark, NJ - 07106-3303
74 Hartford St, Newark, NJ - 07103
88-108 Shipman Street, Newark, NJ - 07102
86 Oliver St, Newark, NJ - 07105
120 Manchester Place, Newark, NJ - 07104
170 Broad St, Newark, NJ - 71043-807
433 Peshine Avenue, Newark, NJ - 07112
342 Central Avenue, Newark, NJ - 07103
21 Quitman St, Newark, NJ - 07103-4105
345 Broadway, Newark, NJ - 07104
735 Ridge St, Newark, NJ - 07104-2323
257 Summer Ave, Newark, NJ - 07104-2717
284 First Avenue, Newark, NJ - 07104
150 Newton Street, Newark, NJ - 07103-2639
619 S Seventeenth St, Newark, NJ - 07103-1159
44-48 Hermon Street, Newark, NJ - 07105
701 South Orange Avenue, Newark, NJ - 07106-2209
594 N 7th St, Newark, NJ - 07107-2522
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Find in Newark
Schools of Newark are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Newark schools of that type.
- Preschools (53)
- Elementary Schools (70)
- Middle Schools (65)
- High Schools (35)
- Public Schools (89)
- Private Schools (11)
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