Public Schools in New York, NY
There's 364 public schools found in New York, NY. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of New York schools on this page to choose from.
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List of New York Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in New York. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in New York. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
223 East 23rd St, New York, NY - 10010
443 West 135th Street, New York, NY - 10031
40 Irving Place, New York, NY - 10003
220 East 106th St, New York, NY - 10029-4020
532 W 215th St, New York, NY - 10034
223 East 23rd St, New York, NY - 10010
4862 Broadway, New York, NY - 10034
100 West 77th Street, New York, NY - 10024
231249 East 56th St, New York, NY - 10019-2801
890 Broadway, New York, NY - 10003
525 East Houston Street, New York, NY - 10002
55 East 25th Street, New York, NY - 10010
55 Battery Pl, New York, NY - 10011
227243 West 61st St, New York, NY - 10022-7835
219 East 109th Street, New York, NY - 10029
99 Terrace View Avenue, New York, NY - 10463
99 Terrace View Avenue, New York, NY - 10463
121 6th Avenue, New York, NY - 10013
439 West 49th Street, New York, NY - 10019
2041 Madison Ave, New York, NY - 10035
198 Forsyth Street, New York, NY - 10002
560 W 169th St, New York, NY - 10032
1573 Madison Ave-rm 321, New York, NY - 10029-3899
1573 Madison Ave, New York, NY - 10029
433 E 100th St, New York, NY - 10029
131 Ave Of The Americas, New York, NY - 10013-1597
610 E 12th St, New York, NY - 10009
4600 Broadway, New York, NY - 10040
440 W 53rd St, New York, NY - 10019
45-10 94th Street, New York, NY - 11373
10 E 15th St, New York, NY - 10003
549 Audubon Ave, New York, NY - 10040
425 W 123rd St, New York, NY - 10027
154 West 93rd St, New York, NY - 10025-7530
504 W 158th St, New York, NY - 10033
401 W 164th St, New York, NY - 10032
240 E 123rd St, New York, NY - 10035
207 W 133rd St, New York, NY - 10030
2230 5th Ave, New York, NY - 10037
185 Wadsworth Ave, New York, NY - 10033
232 East 103rd St, New York, NY - 10029-5458
6 Edgecombe Ave, New York, NY - 10030
600 E 6th St, New York, NY - 10009
1573 Madison Avenue #408, New York, NY - 10029
1573 Madison Avenue #408, New York, NY - 10029
420 East 12th St, New York, NY - 10009-4095
213 East 63rd Street, New York, NY - 10065
331 East 91st Street, New York, NY - 10128
610 East 12th Street, New York, NY - 10009
140 West 102nd Street, New York, NY - 10025
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Schools of New York are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find New York schools of that type.
- Preschools (200)
- Elementary Schools (308)
- Middle Schools (248)
- High Schools (229)
- Public Schools (364)
- Private Schools (162)
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