Private Schools in New Orleans, LA
There's 45 private schools found in New Orleans, LA. This is about one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of New Orleans schools on this page to choose from.
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List of New Orleans Private Schools
Following is the list of all private schools found in New Orleans. The private schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific private schools from the list.
4521 Saint Charles Ave, New Orleans, LA - 70115-4831
8001 Lafourche St, New Orleans, LA - 70127-1443
13123 I 10 Service Rd, New Orleans, LA - 70128-2633
4401 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans, LA - 70122-3811
1400 Moss St, New Orleans, LA - 70119-2904
2401 General Degaulle Dr, New Orleans, LA - 70114-6299
9 Fortress Rd, New Orleans, LA - 70122-1336
8 Friederichs Ave, New Orleans, LA - 70124-4602
6645 Spanish Fort Blvd, New Orleans, LA - 70124-4323
5300 Saint Charles Ave, New Orleans, LA - 70115-4951
821 General Pershing St, New Orleans, LA - 70115-2731
5500 Paris Ave, New Orleans, LA - 70122
6325 Cromwell Pl, New Orleans, LA - 70118-6260
7901 Crowder Blvd, New Orleans, LA - 70127
8400 Hayne Blvd, New Orleans, LA - 70127-1051
1851 N Dorgenois St, New Orleans, LA - 70119-1472
6117 Saint Claude Ave, New Orleans, LA - 70117-1341
2343 Prytania St, New Orleans, LA - 70130-5898
2601 S Claiborne Ave, New Orleans, LA - 70125-3930
7027 Milne Blvd, New Orleans, LA - 70124-2341
500 Soraparu St, New Orleans, LA - 70130
4861 Rosalia Dr, New Orleans, LA - 70127-3598
2001 Constance St, New Orleans, LA - 70130-5094
8012 Oak St, New Orleans, LA - 70126
2600 A P Tureaud Ave, New Orleans, LA - 70119-1208
5010 Piety Dr, New Orleans, LA - 70126-3563
6326 Memphis St, New Orleans, LA - 70124-3149
923 Napoleon Ave, New Orleans, LA - 70115-2899
919 Cambronne St, New Orleans, LA - 70118-1198
3937 Canal St, New Orleans, LA - 70119-6002
5116 Magazine St, New Orleans, LA - 70115-1844
1501 Abundance St, New Orleans, LA - 70119-2098
6509 Chef Menteur Hwy, New Orleans, LA - 70126
6905 Chef Menteur Hwy, New Orleans, LA - 70126-5291
7701 Walmsley Ave, New Orleans, LA - 70125-3494
1522 Chippewa St, New Orleans, LA - 70130-4560
6249 Canal Blvd, New Orleans, LA - 70124-3047
65 Fontainebleau Dr, New Orleans, LA - 70125-3495
1027 Napoleon Ave, New Orleans, LA - 70115-2818
2032 S Carrollton Ave Ste 2, New Orleans, LA - 70118
4239 Camp St, New Orleans, LA - 70115-2721
1839 Agriculture St, New Orleans, LA - 70119-1001
1315 Jackson Ave, New Orleans, LA - 70130-5199
7508 Burthe St, New Orleans, LA - 70118-5026
2635 State St, New Orleans, LA - 70118-6399
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Find in New Orleans
Schools of New Orleans are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find New Orleans schools of that type.
- Preschools (73)
- Elementary Schools (93)
- Middle Schools (100)
- High Schools (52)
- Public Schools (86)
- Private Schools (45)
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