Edward Hynes Charter School - Lakeview
School Details
Following is the detailed information on Edward Hynes Charter School - Lakeview based on the data provided by National Center for Education Statistics.
Students by Grades
Following chart shows the distribution of students in different grades offered by Edward Hynes Charter School - Lakeview.
Students by Race
Following chart shows the distribution of students based on races.
Students by Gender
Following chart shows the ratio of male and female students of Edward Hynes Charter School - Lakeview.
Nearby Middle Schools
Following is a list of other middle schools found within few miles of Edward Hynes Charter School - Lakeview. You may also view all middle schools in New Orleans , Louisiana.
St Dominic School (0.3 miles)6326 Memphis St, New Orleans, LA - 70124-3149
St Paul's Episcopal School (0.3 miles)6249 Canal Blvd, New Orleans, LA - 70124-3047
Christian Brothers School (1.2 miles)8 Friederichs Ave, New Orleans, LA - 70124-4602(504) 486-6770
Mount Carmel Academy (1.2 miles)7027 Milne Blvd, New Orleans, LA - 70124-2341
Travis Hill School (1.3 miles)1100 Milton Street, New Orleans, LA - 70122(504) 658-3400
Arthur Ashe Charter School (1.5 miles)1456 Gardena Drive, New Orleans, LA - 70122(504) 373-6267
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