Middle Schools in New Haven, CT
There's 38 middle schools found in New Haven, CT. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of New Haven schools on this page to choose from.
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List of New Haven Middle Schools
Following is the list of all middle schools found in New Haven. The middle schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific middle schools from the list.
423 Ferry St, New Haven, CT - 06513-3697
130 Edgewood Avenue, New Haven, CT - 06511
100 Audubon St, New Haven, CT - 06510
259 Edgewood Ave, New Haven, CT - 06511-4106
170 Derby Ave, New Haven, CT - 06511-5144
100 Jewell St, New Haven, CT - 06511-1323
375 Quinnipiac Ave, New Haven, CT - 06513-4445
150 Kimberly Avenue, New Haven, CT - 06519
1481 Quinnipiac Ave, New Haven, CT - 06513-1520
804 State Street, New Haven, CT - 06511
200 Wilmot Rd., New Haven, CT - 06515
351 Mckinley Ave, New Haven, CT - 65152-099
185 Goffe St, New Haven, CT - 06511-3369
293 Clinton Ave., New Haven, CT - 06513
511 Chapel St, New Haven, CT - 06511-1217
35 Davis St, New Haven, CT - 06515-1601
133 Nash St., New Haven, CT - 06511
737 Edgewood Ave, New Haven, CT - 06515-2212
234 Greene Street, New Haven, CT - 06511
495 Blake Street, New Haven, CT - 06515
164 Grand Ave., New Haven, CT - 06513
55 Blatchley Avenue, New Haven, CT - 06513
1 Science Park, New Haven, CT - 06511
140 Dewitt St, New Haven, CT - 06519-2133
986 Forest Rd, New Haven, CT - 06515-2501
569 Congress Ave., New Haven, CT - 06519
100 James St., New Haven, CT - 06513
150 Fournier Street, New Haven, CT - 06511
191 Fountain St., New Haven, CT - 06515
480 Townsend Ave, New Haven, CT - 06512-3964
360 Columbus Avenue, New Haven, CT - 06519
185 Barnes Avenue, New Haven, CT - 06513
20 Burr St, New Haven, CT - 06512-3906
208 Columbus Ave, New Haven, CT - 06519-2229
50 Loomis Pl, New Haven, CT - 06511-2223
114 Truman Street, New Haven, CT - 06519
55 Foote St, New Haven, CT - 06511-3415
180 Canner St, New Haven, CT - 06511-2233
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Find in New Haven
Schools of New Haven are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find New Haven schools of that type.
- Preschools (28)
- Elementary Schools (43)
- Middle Schools (38)
- High Schools (16)
- Public Schools (42)
- Private Schools (13)
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