High Schools in New Canaan, CT
There's 2 high schools found in New Canaan, CT. This is 29% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of New Canaan schools on this page to choose from.
New Canaan Map with High Schools
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List of New Canaan High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in New Canaan. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
11 Farm Rd, New Canaan, CT - 06840-6699
377 N Wilton Rd, New Canaan, CT - 68402-317
Other High Schools Nearby
The following high schools are located nearby New Canaan.
Bi-cultural Hebrew Academy (2.8 miles)2186 High Ridge Rd, Stamford, CT - 06903-3497
King School Inc (3.2 miles)1450 Newfield Ave, Stamford, CT - 06905-1501
Darien High School (4.3 miles)80 High School Ln., Darien, CT - 06820-3399
P-tech Norwalk (4.9 miles)23 Calvin Murphy Drive, Norwalk, CT - 06851
381 High Ridge Rd, Stamford, CT - 06905-3018
300 Highland Ave, Norwalk, CT - 06854-4099
Center for Global Studies (5.3 miles)300 Highland Avenue, Norwalk, CT - 06854
125 Roxbury Rd, Stamford, CT - 06902-1215
395 Danbury Rd, Wilton, CT - 06897-2006
55 County Street, Norwalk, CT - 06851
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Find in New Canaan
Schools of New Canaan are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find New Canaan schools of that type.
- Preschools (1)
- Elementary Schools (6)
- Middle Schools (3)
- High Schools (2)
- Public Schools (5)
- Private Schools (2)
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