Elementary Schools in New Bedford, MA
There's 29 elementary schools found in New Bedford, MA. This is the main type of schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of New Bedford schools on this page to choose from.
New Bedford Map with Elementary Schools
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List of New Bedford Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in New Bedford. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific elementary schools from the list.
445 Ashley Blvd, New Bedford, MA - 02745-5213
286 S Second Street, New Bedford, MA - 02740
115 Illinois Street, New Bedford, MA - 02745
515 Belleville Avenue, New Bedford, MA - 02746
561 Allen St, New Bedford, MA - 02740-2377
261 Mt Pleasant Stre, New Bedford, MA - 02746-1549
1097 Braley Rd, New Bedford, MA - 02745-4299
122 Rochambeau Street, New Bedford, MA - 02745
212 Nemasket Street, New Bedford, MA - 02740
256 Court St, New Bedford, MA - 02740-3880
145 Essex St, New Bedford, MA - 02745-3502
190 Ashley Boulevard, New Bedford, MA - 02746
361 Cedar Grove, New Bedford, MA - 02746
91 Summer St, New Bedford, MA - 27405-240
47 Emery Street, New Bedford, MA - 02744
50 Hemlock Street, New Bedford, MA - 02740
2203 Acushnet Avenue, New Bedford, MA - 02745
705 County Street, New Bedford, MA - 02740
120 Katherine Street, New Bedford, MA - 02744
19 Hawthorn St, New Bedford, MA - 27404-938
66 Spring St, New Bedford, MA - 02740-5957
764 Hathaway Rd, New Bedford, MA - 02740-1915
145 Brownell Ave, New Bedford, MA - 27401-654
286 South Second Street, New Bedford, MA - 02740
247 Elm Street, New Bedford, MA - 02740
180 Orchard St, New Bedford, MA - 02740-3471
497 Mill St, New Bedford, MA - 02740-2507
181 Hillman St, New Bedford, MA - 02740-4346
620 Brock Ave, New Bedford, MA - 02744-2241
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Find in New Bedford
Schools of New Bedford are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find New Bedford schools of that type.
- Preschools (15)
- Elementary Schools (29)
- Middle Schools (14)
- High Schools (7)
- Public Schools (28)
- Private Schools (7)
Find Elementary Schools in Massachusetts
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