Public Schools in Nashville, TN
There's 129 public schools found in Nashville, TN. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Nashville schools on this page to choose from.
Nashville Map with Public Schools
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List of Nashville Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Nashville. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Nashville. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
5834 Pettus Road, Nashville, TN - 37013
3921 Lloyd Road, Nashville, TN - 37189
5050 Blue Hole Road, Nashville, TN - 37013
655 Colice Jeanne Rd, Nashville, TN - 37221-2812
1128 Bell Grimes La, Nashville, TN - 37207-1600
2835 Brick Church Pike, Nashville, TN - 37207
3884 Asheford Trace, Nashville, TN - 37013
1118 12th Ave South, Nashville, TN - 37203-3003
2195 Nolensville Pike, Nashville, TN - 37211
480 Annex Av, Nashville, TN - 37209-2728
4701 Indiana Ave, Nashville, TN - 37209
1928 Greenwood Avenue, Nashville, TN - 37206
498 Hogan Rd, Nashville, TN - 37220-2014
482 Elysian Fields Road, Nashville, TN - 37211
4247 Cato Rd, Nashville, TN - 37218
4106 Kennedy Ave, Nashville, TN - 37216
110 Stewarts Ferry Pike, Nashville, TN - 37214
2500 Fairfax Ave, Nashville, TN - 37212
120 White Bridge Rd, Nashville, TN - 37209
1460 Mcgavock Pike, Nashville, TN - 37216
110 Gallatin Rd, Nashville, TN - 37206
110 Gallatin Rd, Nashville, TN - 37206
707 South 7th St, Nashville, TN - 37206
510 Wedgewood Ave, Nashville, TN - 37203
120 Antioch Pike, Nashville, TN - 37211
160 Antioch Pike, Nashville, TN - 37211
800 Thompson Ave, Nashville, TN - 37204
200 Finley Dr, Nashville, TN - 37217
1020 Patricia Dr, Nashville, TN - 37217
650 Old Hickory Blvd, Nashville, TN - 37209
150 Davidson Rd, Nashville, TN - 37205
7840 Learning Ln, Nashville, TN - 37221
1706 26th Avenue South, Nashville, TN - 37212
1033 West Greenwood Ave, Nashville, TN - 37206
510 West Trinity Ln, Nashville, TN - 37207
3790 Turley Dr, Nashville, TN - 37211
1830 Jo Johnston Ave, Nashville, TN - 37203
112 Stewarts Ferry Pike, Nashville, TN - 37214
3812 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, TN - 37215
400 Davidson Rd, Nashville, TN - 37205
1015 Kellow St, Nashville, TN - 37208
700 Broadway, Nashville, TN - 37203
1150 Hunters Ln, Nashville, TN - 37207
244 Foster St, Nashville, TN - 37207
1700 Riverside Dr, Nashville, TN - 37216
4601 Hedgewood Dr, Nashville, TN - 37216
3500 John Mallette Dr, Nashville, TN - 37218
1910 South Hamilton St, Nashville, TN - 37218
350 Hart Ln, Nashville, TN - 37207
110 Whitsett Rd, Nashville, TN - 37210
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Find in Nashville
Schools of Nashville are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Nashville schools of that type.
- Preschools (79)
- Elementary Schools (129)
- Middle Schools (68)
- High Schools (47)
- Public Schools (129)
- Private Schools (40)
Find Public Schools in Tennessee
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