Elementary Schools in Montgomery, AL
There's 50 elementary schools found in Montgomery, AL. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Montgomery schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Montgomery Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Montgomery. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific elementary schools from the list.
4700 Wares Ferry Rd, Montgomery, AL - 36109-3317
2525 Churchill Dr, Montgomery, AL - 36111-2899
1765 Highland Ave, Montgomery, AL - 36107-2601
1650 Ray Thorington Road, Montgomery, AL - 36117
4455 Brewbaker Dr, Montgomery, AL - 36116-4299
4445 Brewbaker Drive, Montgomery, AL - 36116
3100 Mobile Dr, Montgomery, AL - 36108
1760 Mitchell Young Road, Montgomery, AL - 36108
310 North Madison Terrace, Montgomery, AL - 36107-1599
307 East Vandiver Blvd, Montgomery, AL - 36110-1800
395 Ray Thorington Rd, Montgomery, AL - 36117-8486
125 Calhoun Rd, Montgomery, AL - 36109-2043
3510 Woodley Rd, Montgomery, AL - 36116-3899
440 Dalraida Rd, Montgomery, AL - 36109-2898
3425 Carter Hill Rd, Montgomery, AL - 36111-1897
3605 Rosa Parks Dr, Montgomery, AL - 36105-2099
200 Eastern Blvd, Montgomery, AL - 36117-2092
1701 E Trinity Blvd, Montgomery, AL - 36106-2809
3975 Vaughn Rd, Montgomery, AL - 36106-3098
2416 W Cloverdale Park, Montgomery, AL - 36106
4055 Fitzpatrick Blvd, Montgomery, AL - 36116-4820
3510 Harrison Rd, Montgomery, AL - 36109-5134
13074 Edna Brake Lucas Dr, Montgomery, AL - 36117
1700 West 5th Street, Montgomery, AL - 36106
2813 E S Blvd, Montgomery, AL - 36116-2513
555 McLemore Drive, Montgomery, AL - 36117
1501 Parkview Drive South, Montgomery, AL - 36117
2024 Highland Ave, Montgomery, AL - 36107-2698
2801 Willena Ave, Montgomery, AL - 36107-1096
4550 Narrow Ln Rd, Montgomery, AL - 36116-2998
4655 Gateway Dr, Montgomery, AL - 36108
2897 Eastern Blvd, Montgomery, AL - 36116-1021
2740 Lowes Court, Montgomery, AL - 36116-3191
4015 Mcinnis Dr, Montgomery, AL - 36116-3028
1025 S Hull St, Montgomery, AL - 36104-5141
5251 Hampstead High St Unit 111, Montgomery, AL - 36116-6745
3240 Vaughn Rd, Montgomery, AL - 36106-2725
5350 Vaughn Road, Montgomery, AL - 36116
1728 South Hull Street, Montgomery, AL - 36104
2849 Pelzer Ave, Montgomery, AL - 36109-2099
801 Hill Street, Montgomery, AL - 36108
1000 Edgar D Nixon Ave, Montgomery, AL - 36104-4840
2815 Forbes Dr, Montgomery, AL - 36110-1399
5225 Patricia Ln, Montgomery, AL - 36108-5399
2600 E S Blvd Ste 180, Montgomery, AL - 36116-2537
1700 E Trinity Blvd, Montgomery, AL - 36106-2899
4407 Vaughn Rd, Montgomery, AL - 36106-3099
6425 Wares Ferry Rd, Montgomery, AL - 36117-3399
8900 New Park Drive, Montgomery, AL - 36117
3118 Lower Wetumpka Rd, Montgomery, AL - 36110-1710
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Find in Montgomery
Schools of Montgomery are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Montgomery schools of that type.
- Preschools (38)
- Elementary Schools (50)
- Middle Schools (23)
- High Schools (20)
- Public Schools (50)
- Private Schools (19)
Find Elementary Schools in Alabama
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