Public Schools in Monroe, LA
There's 35 public schools found in Monroe, LA. This is the main type of schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Monroe schools on this page to choose from.
Monroe Map with Public Schools
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List of Monroe Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Monroe. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific public schools from the list.
2110 Jackson Street, Monroe, LA - 71202
3000 Burg Jones Lane, Monroe, LA - 71202
2939 Renwick Street, Monroe, LA - 71201
2945 Renwick Street, Monroe, LA - 71201
1700 Orange Street, Monroe, LA - 71202
1000 Plum Street, Monroe, LA - 71202
6701 Mosswood Drive, Monroe, LA - 71203
859 Swartz Fairbanks, Monroe, LA - 71203
3631 Old Sterlington Road, Monroe, LA - 71203
1207 Washington Street, Monroe, LA - 71201
550 Balboa Street, Monroe, LA - 71203
1905 Spencer Avenue, Monroe, LA - 71201
1310 Richwood Road #1, Monroe, LA - 71202
3716 Nutland Road, Monroe, LA - 71202
1801 Parkvidw Drive, Monroe, LA - 71202
600 Forsythe Avenue, Monroe, LA - 71201
507 Swayze Street, Monroe, LA - 71201
5500 Blanks Street, Monroe, LA - 71203
681 Highway 594, Monroe, LA - 71203
5901 Highway 165 S, Monroe, LA - 71202
5901 Highway 165 S, Monroe, LA - 71202
1600 North 19th Street, Monroe, LA - 71201
5101 Reddix Lane, Monroe, LA - 71202
4200 Elm Street, Monroe, LA - 71203
3800 Westminister Avenue, Monroe, LA - 71201
2204 Ticheli Road, Monroe, LA - 71202
300 Sherrouse Avenue, Monroe, LA - 71203
4701 South Grand St., Monroe, LA - 71202
4701 S Grand Street, Monroe, LA - 71202
233 Keystone Road, Monroe, LA - 71203
235 Swartz School Road, Monroe, LA - 71203
400 Lincoln Hills Drive, Monroe, LA - 71203
2400 Burg Jones Lane, Monroe, LA - 71202
1001 Pecan Street, Monroe, LA - 71202
1600 Arizona Avenue, Monroe, LA - 71202
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Find in Monroe
Schools of Monroe are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Monroe schools of that type.
- Preschools (23)
- Elementary Schools (30)
- Middle Schools (18)
- High Schools (13)
- Public Schools (35)
- Private Schools (8)
Find Public Schools in Louisiana
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