Middle Schools in Miramar, FL
There's 8 middle schools found in Miramar, FL. This is 29% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Miramar schools on this page to choose from.
Miramar Map with Middle Schools
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List of Miramar Middle Schools
Following is the list of all middle schools found in Miramar. The middle schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
6850 Sw 34th St, Miramar, FL - 33023-6008
18500 Pembroke Rd, Miramar, FL - 33029-6108
16700 Sw 48th Ct, Miramar, FL - 33027-4941
6969 Miramar Pkwy, Miramar, FL - 33023-6038
10701 Miramar Blvd, Miramar, FL - 33025
12601 Somerset Blvd, Miramar, FL - 33027-5898
9300 Pembroke Rd, Miramar, FL - 33025
3609 Sw 89th Ave, Miramar, FL - 33025-3205
Other Middle Schools Nearby
The following middle schools are located nearby Miramar.
8190 Nw 197th St, Hialeah, FL - 33015-6369
8445 Nw 186th St, Hialeah, FL - 33015-2556
All Stars Education Academy (2.5 miles)7590 Nw 186th St Ste 108, Hialeah, FL - 33015
18305 Nw 75th Place, Miami Lakes, FL - 33015-2957
901 Nw 129th Ave, Pembroke Pines, FL - 33028-1003
9010 Nw 178th Ln, Hialeah, FL - 33018-6548
17300 Nw 87th Ave, Hialeah, FL - 33015-3516
His House (3.4 miles)20000 Nw 47 Ave, Miami Gardens, FL - 33055-1543
Divine Academy (3.5 miles)14900 Nw 20th St, Pembroke Pines, FL - 33028
14900 Northwest 20th Street, Pembroke Pines, FL - 33028
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Find in Miramar
Schools of Miramar are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Miramar schools of that type.
- Preschools (15)
- Elementary Schools (19)
- Middle Schools (8)
- High Schools (5)
- Public Schools (24)
- Private Schools (4)
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