Preschools in Mineola, NY
There's 1 preschool found in Mineola, NY. This is about one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Mineola schools on this page to choose from.
Mineola Map with Preschools
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List of Mineola Preschools
There is only one preschool listed in Mineola. Click on the preschool name bellow to find detailed information on it.
10 Hampton St, Mineola, NY - 11501-3499
Other Preschools Nearby
The following preschools are located nearby Mineola.
St Aidan School (0.9 miles)510 Willis Ave, Williston Park, NY - 11596-1784
Garden City Park School (1.6 miles)51 Central Ave, Garden City Park, NY - 11040-4101
Meadow Drive School (1.8 miles)25 Meadow Dr, Albertson, NY - 11507-1432
225 Cambridge Ave, Garden City, NY - 11530-4256
Manor Oaks William Bowie School (2.2 miles)1950 Hillside Ave, New Hyde Park, NY - 11040-2607
New Hyde Park Road School (2.3 miles)300 New Hyde Park Rd, New Hyde Park, NY - 11040-3298
Notre Dame School (2.4 miles)25 Mayfair Rd, New Hyde Park, NY - 11040-2095
St Brigid/our Lady of Hope Regional School (2.4 miles)101 Maple Ave, Westbury, NY - 11590-3114
Hillside Grade School (2.6 miles)150 W Maple Dr, New Hyde Park, NY - 11040-3110
St Annes School (2.8 miles)25 Dartmouth St, Garden City, NY - 11530-5102
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Find in Mineola
Schools of Mineola are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Mineola schools of that type.
- Preschools (1)
- Elementary Schools (3)
- Middle Schools (1)
- Public Schools (3)
Find Preschools in New York
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