Public Schools in Middle Granville, NY
There's 1 public school found in Middle Granville, NY.
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List of Middle Granville Public Schools
There is only one public school listed in Middle Granville. Click on the public school name bellow to find detailed information on it.
Rt 22, Middle Granville, NY - 12849-0200
Other Public Schools Nearby
The following public schools are located nearby Middle Granville.
Granville Elementary School (2.3 miles)61 Quaker St, Granville, NY - 12832-1595
Granville Junior-senior High School (2.4 miles)58 Quaker St, Granville, NY - 12832-1596
Wells Village School (4 miles)36 Mwa Loop, Wells, VT - 05774
Mettawee Community School (4.4 miles)5788 Vt Route 153, West Pawlet, VT - 05775
Poultney High School (6.4 miles)154 East Main Street, Poultney, VT - 05764-1198
Poultney Elementary School (6.7 miles)96 School Circle, Poultney, VT - 05764
Floyd Harwood Elementary School (7.6 miles)4704 State Rt 149, Hartford, NY - 12838
Hartford Middle/high School (7.6 miles)4704 State Rt 149, Hartford, NY - 12838-0079
Middletown Springs Elementary School (8.9 miles)15 Schoolhouse Road, Middletown Springs, VT - 05757
Whitehall Junior-senior High School (9.4 miles)87 Buckley Rd, Whitehall, NY - 12887-3633
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Find in Middle Granville
Schools of Middle Granville are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Middle Granville schools of that type.
- Preschools (1)
- Elementary Schools (1)
- Public Schools (1)
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