Public Schools in Memphis, TN - Page 3
There's 227 public schools found in Memphis, TN. This is the main type of schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Memphis schools on this page to choose from.
Memphis Map with Public Schools
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List of Memphis Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Memphis. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 101 to 150. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Memphis. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
4301 Old Allen Rd, Memphis, TN - 38128-1729
1126 North Thomas, Memphis, TN - 38107
1328 N Graham St, Memphis, TN - 38122-1521
4055 Bayliss Ave, Memphis, TN - 38108-3525
1270 N Graham St, Memphis, TN - 38122-1511
1276 N Graham St, Memphis, TN - 38122-1511
2248 Shannon Ave, Memphis, TN - 38108
2110 Howell Ave, Memphis, TN - 38108
230 Henry Ave, Memphis, TN - 38107
2110 Howell Ave, Memphis, TN - 38108
230 Henry Ave, Memphis, TN - 38107
4080 Kirby Pkwy, Memphis, TN - 38115-6535
6670 E Raines Rd, Memphis, TN - 38115
864 S Wellington St, Memphis, TN - 38126-5304
4190 Elliston Rd, Memphis, TN - 38111
320 Carpenter St, Memphis, TN - 38112
135 W Levi Rd, Memphis, TN - 38109-4509
3777 Edenburg Dr, Memphis, TN - 38127
7740 Lowrance Rd, Memphis, TN - 38125
3232 Birchfield Dr, Memphis, TN - 38127-6923
1111 N Manassas St, Memphis, TN - 38107-1910
1530 Dellwood Ave, Memphis, TN - 38127
750 E Parkway S, Memphis, TN - 38104-5556
2870 Deadrick Ave, Memphis, TN - 38114-3323
3606 Hawkins Mill Rd, Memphis, TN - 38128
3925 Chelsea Ave Extended, Memphis, TN - 38128
1254 Jefferson Ave, Memphis, TN - 38104
1082 Berclair Rd, Memphis, TN - 38122
4443 S. Germantown Rd, Memphis, TN - 38125
4443 S. Germantown Rd, Memphis, TN - 38125
3306 Overton Crossing St, Memphis, TN - 38127
3306 Overton Crossing, Memphis, TN - 38134
1500 Dunn Ave, Memphis, TN - 38106
1237 College St, Memphis, TN - 38106
168 Jefferson Ave, Memphis, TN - 38103
1455 Poplar Ave, Memphis, TN - 38104
4775 American Way, Memphis, TN - 38118
5221 Raleigh Lagrange Rd, Memphis, TN - 38134
951 Chelsea Ave, Memphis, TN - 38107
90 West Olive Ave, Memphis, TN - 38106
1380 Pennsylvania Ave, Memphis, TN - 38106
4921 Winchester Rd, Memphis, TN - 38118
4450 S Mendenhall Rd, Memphis, TN - 38141
2450 Frayser Blvd, Memphis, TN - 38127
3772 Jackson Ave, Memphis, TN - 38108
750 E Parkway S, Memphis, TN - 38104-5556
658 Wmitchell Rd, Memphis, TN - 38109-3643
2415 Saratoga, Memphis, TN - 38114
5540 Newberry Ave, Memphis, TN - 38115-3521
5157 N Circle Rd, Memphis, TN - 38127-2503
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Find in Memphis
Schools of Memphis are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Memphis schools of that type.
- Preschools (135)
- Elementary Schools (168)
- Middle Schools (105)
- High Schools (79)
- Public Schools (227)
- Private Schools (47)
Find Public Schools in Tennessee
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