Middle Schools in McKee, KY
There's 2 middle schools found in McKee, KY. This is about half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of McKee schools on this page to choose from.
McKee Map with Middle Schools
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List of McKee Middle Schools
Following is the list of all middle schools found in McKee. The middle schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
562 Education Mountain Drive, McKee, KY - 40447
139 Hwy 587, McKee, KY - 40447
Other Middle Schools Nearby
The following middle schools are located nearby McKee.
Jackson Co Schools Learning Center (4 miles)3331 Highway 421 South, Mc Kee, KY - 40447
Barnabus Home Middle School (7.5 miles)4500 Highway 30 W, Annville, KY - 40402
296 East Hwy 3094, East Bernstadt, KY - 40729-0128
Lee County Area Technology Center (18.3 miles)960 Center Street, Beattyville, KY - 41311
Owsley County High School (18.3 miles)177 Shepherd Lane, Booneville, KY - 41314
Clay County Area Technology Center (18.4 miles)1097 North Hwy 11, Manchester, KY - 40962
Lee County Middle High School (18.5 miles)599 Lee Avenue, Beattyville, KY - 41311
Estill County Success Academy (18.9 miles)253 Main St, Irvine, KY - 40336
Berea Community Middle School (19.7 miles)2 Pirate Parkway, Berea, KY - 40403-1540
275 Glades Rd, Berea, KY - 40403-1329
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Find in McKee
Schools of McKee are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find McKee schools of that type.
- Preschools (1)
- Elementary Schools (1)
- Middle Schools (2)
- High Schools (2)
- Public Schools (4)
Find Middle Schools in Kentucky
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