Public Schools in Manchester, NH
There's 29 public schools found in Manchester, NH. This is about half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Manchester schools on this page to choose from.
Manchester Map with Public Schools
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List of Manchester Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Manchester. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific public schools from the list.
20 Elm St, Manchester, NH - 03101-2702
689 Mast Rd, Manchester, NH - 03102-1448
333 Beech St, Manchester, NH - 03103-5499
145 Parkside Ave, Manchester, NH - 03102-3603
100 Jack Lovering Drive, Manchester, NH - 03109-4901
201 Jack Lovering Drive, Manchester, NH - 03109-4909
401 Wilson St, Manchester, NH - 03103-4899
2021 Goffs Falls Rd., Manchester, NH - 03103-6133
112 Reservoir Ave., Manchester, NH - 03104-4498
130 S. Jewett St., Manchester, NH - 03103-3897
470 Pine St., Manchester, NH - 03104
470 Pine St., Manchester, NH - 03104
535 Beech Street, Manchester, NH - 03104-4915
1 Crusader Way, Manchester, NH - 03103-3099
100 Gerald Connors Circle, Manchester, NH - 03103-3198
9 Notre Dame Ave., Manchester, NH - 03102-3999
550 Lowell St., Manchester, NH - 03104-5200
75 Parkside Ave., Manchester, NH - 03102-3699
100 William Loeb Dr, Manchester, NH - 03109-5309
300 Youville St., Manchester, NH - 03102-2700
223 James Pollack Dr., Manchester, NH - 03102-4900
100 Coolidge Ave, Manchester, NH - 03102-3208
245 Bruce Rd., Manchester, NH - 03104-3499
300 South Jewett St., Manchester, NH - 03103-3898
1066 Front St., Manchester, NH - 03103-3305
5 Perimeter Rd, Manchester, NH - 03103-3305
5 Perimeter Rd, Manchester, NH - 03103-3305
2519 Elm St, Manchester, NH - 03104-2294
1066 Hanover St, Manchester, NH - 03104-5598
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Find in Manchester
Schools of Manchester are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Manchester schools of that type.
- Preschools (21)
- Elementary Schools (35)
- Middle Schools (11)
- High Schools (12)
- Public Schools (29)
- Private Schools (20)
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