Public Schools in Madison, WI
There's 58 public schools found in Madison, WI. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Madison schools on this page to choose from.
Madison Map with Public Schools
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List of Madison Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Madison. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Madison. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
545 W Dayton St, Madison, WI - 53703
501 East Badger Rd, Madison, WI - 53713-1967
1402 Wyoming Way, Madison, WI - 53704-1497
3802 Regent St, Madison, WI - 53705-5221
317 Knutson Dr, Madison, WI - 53704-1197
3502 Maple Grove Drive, Madison, WI - 53719
4301 Cherokee Dr, Madison, WI - 53711-2899
5930 Old Sauk Rd, Madison, WI - 53705-2599
1201 Tompkins Dr, Madison, WI - 53716-3299
2222 E Washington Ave, Madison, WI - 53704-5295
5106 Academy Dr, Madison, WI - 53716-1404
2421 E Johnson St, Madison, WI - 53704-4997
101 S Gammon Rd, Madison, WI - 53717-1498
305 West Lakeside St, Madison, WI - 53715-3024
1502 Wyoming Way, Madison, WI - 53704-1800
4801 Waukesha St, Madison, WI - 53705-4899
3344 Concord Ave, Madison, WI - 53714-1134
2601 Prairie Rd, Madison, WI - 53711-4198
1045 E Dayton St, Madison, WI - 53703-2427
1045 E Dayton St, Madison, WI - 53703-2427
1802 Pankratz St, Madison, WI - 53704-4069
1717 Fish Hatchery Rd, Madison, WI - 53713-1244
221 Meadowlark Dr, Madison, WI - 53714-2699
702 Pflaum Rd, Madison, WI - 53716-2167
1802 Tennyson Ln, Madison, WI - 53704-2399
1045 E Dayton St, Madison, WI - 53703-2427
2602 Post Rd, Madison, WI - 53713-3599
909 Sequoia Trl, Madison, WI - 53713-2599
4500 Kennedy Rd, Madison, WI - 53704-1298
401 Maple Ave, Madison, WI - 53704-5894
1501 Jenifer St, Madison, WI - 53703-3792
4002 School Rd, Madison, WI - 53704-1999
301 Troy Dr, Madison, WI - 53704-1521
115 W Doty St, Madison, WI - 53703
502 Caromar Dr, Madison, WI - 53711-1597
6323 Woodington Way, Madison, WI - 53711-3162
2758 Dairy Dr, Madison, WI - 53718
6602 Inner Dr, Madison, WI - 53705-4297
510 S Thornton Ave, Madison, WI - 53703-3793
1707 W Broadway, Madison, WI - 53713
1707 W Broadway, Madison, WI - 53713
5602 Russett Rd, Madison, WI - 53711-3592
1802 Regent St, Madison, WI - 53726-4120
4114 Donald Dr, Madison, WI - 53704-2899
230 Schenk St, Madison, WI - 53714-2398
502 Pflaum Rd, Madison, WI - 53716-2193
1601 N Sherman Ave, Madison, WI - 53704-3937
1610 Ruskin St, Madison, WI - 53704-3469
1105 Shorewood Blvd, Madison, WI - 53705-1424
4201 Buckeye Rd, Madison, WI - 53716-1648
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Find in Madison
Schools of Madison are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Madison schools of that type.
- Preschools (47)
- Elementary Schools (60)
- Middle Schools (38)
- High Schools (20)
- Public Schools (58)
- Private Schools (31)
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