Private Schools in Louisville, KY
There's 68 private schools found in Louisville, KY. This is 29% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Louisville schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Louisville Private Schools
Following is the list of all private schools found in Louisville. The private schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays private schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more private schools in Louisville. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific private schools from the list.
3101 Bluebird Ln, Louisville, KY - 40299-3803
2170 Tyler Ln, Louisville, KY - 40205-2999
5515 Johnsontown Road, Louisville, KY - 40258
4614 Brownsboro Rd, Louisville, KY - 40207-1745
425 W Kenwood Dr, Louisville, KY - 40214-2843
1939 Magazine St, Louisville, KY - 40203-3559
5400 Minor Ln, Louisville, KY - 40219-3019
901 Breckenridge Ln, Louisville, KY - 40207-4618
311 Browns Ln, Louisville, KY - 40207-3983
2000 Tyler Ln, Louisville, KY - 40205-2922
111 E Kentucky St, Louisville, KY - 40203-2793
2114 Highland Ave - Walker Nevin Bldg, Louisville, KY - 40204
2800 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY - 40206-2640
10901 Shelbyville Rd, Louisville, KY - 40243-1245
5144 Dixie Hwy, Louisville, KY - 40216-1798
322 Cannons Ln, Louisville, KY - 40206-3094
6010 Preston Hwy, Louisville, KY - 40219-1318
8215 Old Westport Rd, Louisville, KY - 40222-3913
3525 Goldsmith Ln, Louisville, KY - 40220-2313
4100 Springdale Rd, Louisville, KY - 40241-1166
6502 Johnsontown Rd, Louisville, KY - 40272-3624
2988 Newburg Rd, Louisville, KY - 40205-2710
2005 Douglass Blvd, Louisville, KY - 40205-1927
2427 Glenmary Ave, Louisville, KY - 40204
1110 Dupont Cir, Louisville, KY - 40207
5801 Fegenbush Ln, Louisville, KY - 40228-1158
3023 Melbourne Ave, Louisville, KY - 40220-2067
130 Smith Ln, Louisville, KY - 40229-4000
500 N Watterson Trl, Louisville, KY - 40243-2708
529 E Liberty St, Louisville, KY - 40202-1107
1927 Lewiston Dr, Louisville, KY - 40216-2523
6500 Six Mile Ln, Louisville, KY - 40218-2355
510 Breckenridge Ln, Louisville, KY - 40207-3898
8307 Nottingham Pkwy, Louisville, KY - 40222-5539
7515 Westport Rd, Louisville, KY - 40222-4107
8509 Westport Rd, Louisville, KY - 40242-3047
861 S 4th St, Louisville, KY - 40203-2100
113 S Hubbards Ln, Louisville, KY - 40207
3175 Lexington Rd, Louisville, KY - 40206-3097
1800 Newburg Rd, Louisville, KY - 40205-1497
1395 Girard Dr, Louisville, KY - 40222-6642
7724 Columbine Dr, Louisville, KY - 40258-2424
5915 Outer Loop 1, Louisville, KY - 40219-4194
7500 Tangelo Dr, Louisville, KY - 40228-1599
9610 Sue Helen Dr, Louisville, KY - 40299-3246
1938 Alfresco Pl, Louisville, KY - 40205-1876
233 W Broadway, Louisville, KY - 40202-3169
5503 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY - 40291-1909
1818 Edenside Ave, Louisville, KY - 40204-1522
440 Zorn Ave, Louisville, KY - 40206-1417
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Schools of Louisville are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Louisville schools of that type.
- Preschools (96)
- Elementary Schools (164)
- Middle Schools (102)
- High Schools (73)
- Public Schools (163)
- Private Schools (68)
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