Public Schools in Los Angeles, CA
There's 583 public schools found in Los Angeles, CA. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Los Angeles schools on this page to choose from.
Los Angeles Map with Public Schools
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List of Los Angeles Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Los Angeles. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Los Angeles. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
3501 North Brd.way, Los Angeles, CA - 90031-2856
17551 Miranda Street, Los Angeles, CA - 91316
2009 W. Mlk Blvd., Los Angeles, CA - 90062-1434
4000 S. Main St., Los Angeles, CA - 90037-1022
3914 S. Main St., Los Angeles, CA - 90037-1253
325 E. 111th St., Los Angeles, CA - 90061-3003
322 South Ave 18, Los Angeles, CA - 90031-2507
632 North Ave 50, Los Angeles, CA - 90042-3205
2955 Robertson Blvd, Los Angeles, CA - 90034-3116
4211 Oakwood Ave, Los Angeles, CA - 90004-3214
4540 Michigan Ave, Los Angeles, CA - 90022-1130
2210 Riverside Dr., Los Angeles, CA - 90039-4009
10720 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA - 90059-1236
131 E. 50th St., Los Angeles, CA - 90011-3937
9719 S. Main St., Los Angeles, CA - 90003-4135
113 S. Rowan Ave., Los Angeles, CA - 90063-2434
644 W. 17th St., Los Angeles, CA - 90015-3400
2023 S. Union Ave., Los Angeles, CA - 90007-1326
603 E. 115th St., Los Angeles, CA - 90059-2322
10101 S. Brd.way, Los Angeles, CA - 90003-4534
5886 Compton Ave., Los Angeles, CA - 90001-1345
2930 Fletcher Dr., Los Angeles, CA - 90065-1407
5151 State Univ Dr., Los Angeles, CA - 90032-4226
110 S. Townsend Ave., Los Angeles, CA - 90063-2437
5356 S. Fifth Ave., Los Angeles, CA - 90043-2622
4610 S. Main St., Los Angeles, CA - 90037-2736
8515 Kansas Ave., Los Angeles, CA - 90044-3496
2941 W. 70th St., Los Angeles, CA - 90043-4420
211 S. Ave. 20, Los Angeles, CA - 90031-2508
1552 W. Rockwood St., Los Angeles, CA - 90026-5520
2050 N. San Fernando Rd., Los Angeles, CA - 90065-1267
2941 W. 70th St., Los Angeles, CA - 90043-4420
14839 Rayen Street, Los Angeles, CA - 91402
1745 Vineyard Ave, Los Angeles, CA - 90019-5753
832 South Eastman Avenue, Los Angeles, CA - 90023
3201 W. Eighth St., Los Angeles, CA - 90005-2171
701 S. Catalina St., Los Angeles, CA - 90005-1943
4736 Hntngtn Dr. S., Los Angeles, CA - 90032-1942
2611 West 52nd St, Los Angeles, CA - 90043-1917
13305 S. San Pedro St., Los Angeles, CA - 90061-2254
4360 Dozier St., Los Angeles, CA - 90022-1840
8255 Beach St., Los Angeles, CA - 90001-4014
3500 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, CA - 90007-4333
810 E. 111th Pl., Los Angeles, CA - 90059-1520
1655 E. 27th St., Los Angeles, CA - 90011-2202
12226 S. W.ern Ave., Los Angeles, CA - 90047-5240
12700 S. Avalon Blvd., Los Angeles, CA - 90061-2730
8255 Beach St., Los Angeles, CA - 90001-4014
1655 E. 27th St., Los Angeles, CA - 90011-2202
11130 W.ern Ave., Los Angeles, CA - 90047-4845
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Find in Los Angeles
Schools of Los Angeles are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Los Angeles schools of that type.
- Preschools (70)
- Elementary Schools (491)
- Middle Schools (248)
- High Schools (208)
- Public Schools (583)
- Private Schools (166)
Find Public Schools in California
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