Anahuacalmecac International Univ Prep of N America
School Details
Following is the detailed information on Anahuacalmecac International Univ Prep of N America based on the data provided by National Center for Education Statistics.
Students by Grades
Following chart shows the distribution of students in different grades offered by Anahuacalmecac International Univ Prep of N America.
Students by Race
Following chart shows the distribution of students based on races.
Students by Gender
Following chart shows the ratio of male and female students of Anahuacalmecac International Univ Prep of N America.
Nearby High Schools
Following is a list of other high schools found within few miles of Anahuacalmecac International Univ Prep of N America. You may also view all high schools in Los Angeles , California.
Woodrow Wilson Senior High School (1.1 miles)4500 Multnomah St, Los Angeles, CA - 90032-3703(323) 276-1600
Los Angeles College Prep Academy (1.2 miles)625 Coleman Ave., Los Angeles, CA - 90042-4903(323) 257-1499
La County High School for the Arts (1.4 miles)5151 State University Dr., Los Angeles, CA - 90032-4221(323) 343-2550
Pueblo De Los Angeles Continuation (1.4 miles)3921 Selig Pl., Los Angeles, CA - 90031-2457(323) 223-3258
Abraham Lincoln Senior High School (1.5 miles)3501 North Brd.way, Los Angeles, CA - 90031-2856(323) 441-4600
Ednovate - East College Prep (1.5 miles)3825 North Mission Rd., Los Angeles, CA - 90031-3137(323) 285-1441
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