Public Schools in Little Rock, AR
There's 73 public schools found in Little Rock, AR. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Little Rock schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Little Rock Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Little Rock. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Little Rock. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
2600 West Markham St, Little Rock, AR - 72203-0668
2600 West Markham St, Little Rock, AR - 72203-0668
700 S Main St, Little Rock, AR - 72203
15001 Kanis Road, Little Rock, AR - 72223
6501 West 32nd St, Little Rock, AR - 72204-5952
3623 Baseline Rd, Little Rock, AR - 72209
14300 Dineen Drive, Little Rock, AR - 72206
2016 Barber St, Little Rock, AR - 72206
7915 West Markham St, Little Rock, AR - 72205-2505
2100 East Sixth St, Little Rock, AR - 72202-2915
1500 Park St, Little Rock, AR - 72202
21201 Denny Road, Little Rock, AR - 72223
11100 Chicot Road, Little Rock, AR - 72103
6300 Hinkson Rd, Little Rock, AR - 72209
16601 Lamarche Dr, Little Rock, AR - 72223
1100 Wright Ave, Little Rock, AR - 72206
21801 Arch St Pike, Little Rock, AR - 72206
5205 W Sawmill Rd, Little Rock, AR - 72206
410 Shall Ave, Little Rock, AR - 72202
400 Shall Ave, Little Rock, AR - 72202
123 West 3rd Street, Little Rock, AR - 72201
112 W Third St 3rd Flr, Little Rock, AR - 72201
112 West 3rd Street, Little Rock, AR - 72201
6111 W 83rd St, Little Rock, AR - 72209
616 North Harrison St, Little Rock, AR - 72205-3523
5901 Evergreen, Little Rock, AR - 72205
1600 North Tyler St, Little Rock, AR - 72207
1815 Rahling Rd, Little Rock, AR - 72212
3615 West 25th Street, Little Rock, AR - 72204
3615 West 25th Street, Little Rock, AR - 72202
300 Pleasant Valley Dr, Little Rock, AR - 72212
5240 Mabelvale Pike, Little Rock, AR - 72209
1115 West 16th St, Little Rock, AR - 72202-5411
6900 Scott Hamilton Rd, Little Rock, AR - 72209
2410 S Battery St, Little Rock, AR - 72206
2600 North Mckinley St, Little Rock, AR - 72207-2730
21600 Hwy 10, Little Rock, AR - 72223
21501 Hwy 10, Little Rock, AR - 72223
21001 Hwy 10, Little Rock, AR - 72223
16712 Arch St Pk, Little Rock, AR - 72206-6157
19901 Lawson Rd, Little Rock, AR - 72210
12200 Westhaven Dr, Little Rock, AR - 72211
21 Corporate Hill Drive, Little Rock, AR - 72205
21 Corporate Hill Dr, Little Rock, AR - 72205
6700 H Street, Little Rock, AR - 72205
5701 Ranch Drive, Little Rock, AR - 72223
9401 Mabelvale Cut Off Road, Little Rock, AR - 72103
1000 E Roosevelt Rd, Little Rock, AR - 72206
1200 Reservoir Rd, Little Rock, AR - 72207-5712
25 Sheraton Dr, Little Rock, AR - 72209-2045
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Find in Little Rock
Schools of Little Rock are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Little Rock schools of that type.
- Preschools (42)
- Elementary Schools (68)
- Middle Schools (35)
- High Schools (28)
- Public Schools (73)
- Private Schools (28)
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