Elementary Schools in Lincoln, NE
There's 57 elementary schools found in Lincoln, NE. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Lincoln schools on this page to choose from.
Lincoln Map with Elementary Schools
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List of Lincoln Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Lincoln. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in Lincoln. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
7401 Jacobs Creek Dr, Lincoln, NE - 68512-9548
5000 Mike Scholl St, Lincoln, NE - 68524-2305
1901 Calvert St, Lincoln, NE - 68502-4899
3425 N 14th St, Lincoln, NE - 68521-2196
11401 S 70th St, Lincoln, NE - 68516-9218
1725 Lake St, Lincoln, NE - 68502-3789
6000 Aylesworth Ave, Lincoln, NE - 68505-1199
3709 South 46th St, Lincoln, NE - 68506-4299
2200 Dodge St, Lincoln, NE - 68521-1250
3245 S 37th St, Lincoln, NE - 68506-6197
7701 S 36th St, Lincoln, NE - 68516-5716
4325 Sumner St, Lincoln, NE - 68506-1165
1520 N 29th St, Lincoln, NE - 68503-1599
5240 Calvert St, Lincoln, NE - 68506-3993
6245 L St, Lincoln, NE - 68510-2396
225 S 25th St, Lincoln, NE - 68510-1299
1123 C St, Lincoln, NE - 68502-1256
8701 Adams Street, Lincoln, NE - 68507
5700 North West 10th, Lincoln, NE - 68521-3842
4901 Bancroft Ave, Lincoln, NE - 68506
730 N 33rd St, Lincoln, NE - 68503-3298
5230 Tipperary Trail, Lincoln, NE - 68512-1459
5230 Sumner St, Lincoln, NE - 68506-1397
6720 Rockwood Ln, Lincoln, NE - 68516-5199
2900 N 46th St, Lincoln, NE - 68504-2099
7700 Leighton St, Lincoln, NE - 68507-2999
6601 Glass Ridge Drive, Lincoln, NE - 68526-9752
7301 N 13th Street, Lincoln, NE - 68521-4530
300 Capitol Beach Blvd, Lincoln, NE - 68528-1685
5200 S 75th St, Lincoln, NE - 68516-4360
820 Goodhue Blvd, Lincoln, NE - 68508-3399
7200 Vine St, Lincoln, NE - 68505-2192
1800 S 84th St, Lincoln, NE - 68506-1899
6800 Monterey Dr, Lincoln, NE - 68506-2399
1101 Isaac Dr, Lincoln, NE - 68521-5312
4710 N 72nd St, Lincoln, NE - 68507-1522
6402 Judson St, Lincoln, NE - 68507-2599
1930 S 20th St, Lincoln, NE - 68502-2799
721 Cottonwood Dr, Lincoln, NE - 68510-4309
1024 S 37th St, Lincoln, NE - 68510-3599
5021 Orchard St, Lincoln, NE - 68504-3264
2323 S Coddington St, Lincoln, NE - 68522-1849
3701 S 33rd St, Lincoln, NE - 68506-3899
2215 S 13th St, Lincoln, NE - 68502-3699
3100 Plymouth Ave, Lincoln, NE - 68502-4199
7601 Vine St, Lincoln, NE - 68505-2191
1940 S 77th St, Lincoln, NE - 68506-1805
9101 S 78th St, Lincoln, NE - 68516-4003
4142 N 61st St, Lincoln, NE - 68507-1262
4500 Duxhall Dr, Lincoln, NE - 68516-2860
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Find in Lincoln
Schools of Lincoln are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Lincoln schools of that type.
- Preschools (59)
- Elementary Schools (57)
- Middle Schools (25)
- High Schools (11)
- Public Schools (63)
- Private Schools (20)
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