Public Schools in Lexington, KY - Page 2
There's 80 public schools found in Lexington, KY. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Lexington schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Lexington Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Lexington. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 51 to 80. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Lexington. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
1212 Reva Ridge Way, Lexington, KY - 40517-5906
1225 Tates Creek Pk, Lexington, KY - 40502
340 Rookwood Pkwy, Lexington, KY - 40505-4050
470 Cooper Drive, Lexington, KY - 40506-4050
1600 Man O' War Blvd, Lexington, KY - 40513
1642 Harrodsburg Rd, Lexington, KY - 40504-3706
3050 Rio Dosa Dr, Lexington, KY - 40509
3050 Rio Dosa Dr, Lexington, KY - 40509
2420 Spurr Rd, Lexington, KY - 40511
1251 Beaumont Centre Lane, Lexington, KY - 40513
3375 Russell Cave Rd, Lexington, KY - 40511-4050
3025 Sandersville Rd, Lexington, KY - 40511-4050
400 Lafayette Pkwy, Lexington, KY - 40503
340 Wilson Downing Rd, Lexington, KY - 40517-1431
400 Wilson-downing Rd, Lexington, KY - 40517
1800 Harrodsburg Rd, Lexington, KY - 40504
3337 Squire Oak Dr., Lexington, KY - 40515
123 East 6 Street, Lexington, KY - 40508
3215 Cornwall Dr, Lexington, KY - 40503-4050
1555 Georgetown Road, Lexington, KY - 40508-4050
1113 Centre Parkway, Lexington, KY - 40517-3212
1111 Centre Parkway, Lexington, KY - 40517-3208
1105 Centre Parkway, Lexington, KY - 40517-3208
4089 Iron Works Pike, Lexington, KY - 40511
Room 12 Erikson Hall, Lexington, KY - 40506
4351 Clearwater Way, Lexington, KY - 40515-6336
3280 Keithshire Way, Lexington, KY - 40503
555 East Fifth Street, Lexington, KY - 40508
1060 Winburn Dr, Lexington, KY - 40511-1402
695 East New Circle Rd, Lexington, KY - 40505-2990
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Find in Lexington
Schools of Lexington are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Lexington schools of that type.
- Preschools (43)
- Elementary Schools (62)
- Middle Schools (38)
- High Schools (32)
- Public Schools (80)
- Private Schools (23)
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