Elementary Schools in Las Vegas, NV - Page 4
There's 246 elementary schools found in Las Vegas, NV. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Las Vegas schools on this page to choose from.
Las Vegas Map with Elementary Schools
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List of Las Vegas Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Las Vegas. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 151 to 200. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in Las Vegas. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
4851 E Lake Mead Blvd, Las Vegas, NV - 89115
491 North Lamb Boulevard, Las Vegas, NV - 89110
3412 S Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, NV - 89102-8150
3900 E Bonanza Rd, Las Vegas, NV - 89110-2167
5436 E Kell Ln, Las Vegas, NV - 89156
9550 W Cheyenne Ave, Las Vegas, NV - 89129-7543
3695 Lindell Rd, Las Vegas, NV - 89103
6651 W Azure Drive, Las Vegas, NV - 89130
1780 Betty Lane, Las Vegas, NV - 89156
6701 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV - 89146-1049
3050 E. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV - 89121
2525 Emerson Ave, Las Vegas, NV - 89121
8200 W Tropical Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV - 89149
8455 O Hare Road, Las Vegas, NV - 89143
3035 Desert Marigold Lane, Las Vegas, NV - 89135
2251 S Jones Blvd, Las Vegas, NV - 89146
485 E Eldorado Ln, Las Vegas, NV - 89123-1207
10926 Dean Martin Drive, Las Vegas, NV - 89141
900 Cottage Grove Ave, Las Vegas, NV - 89119
931 Franklin Ave, Las Vegas, NV - 89104
4100 Thom Blvd, Las Vegas, NV - 89130
3650 Cambridge Street, Las Vegas, NV - 89169
9601 Red Hills Rd, Las Vegas, NV - 89117
1385 E. Cactus Ave., Las Vegas, NV - 89183
6333 Fargo Avenue, Las Vegas, NV - 89107
4025 N. Rancho Dr., Las Vegas, NV - 89130
950 W Lake Mead Blvd, Las Vegas, NV - 89106
408 Upland Blvd, Las Vegas, NV - 89107
2501 Winwood St, Las Vegas, NV - 89108
10025 Rumrill St, Las Vegas, NV - 89178
7350 Tealwood Street, Las Vegas, NV - 89131
9805 South Lindell Road, Las Vegas, NV - 89141
5535 S Riley St, Las Vegas, NV - 89148
1100 Lena Street, Las Vegas, NV - 89101
5701 Stacey Ave, Las Vegas, NV - 89108
2755 Mohawk Street, Las Vegas, NV - 89146
4338 S Bruce St, Las Vegas, NV - 89119
425 N Christy Ln, Las Vegas, NV - 89110
9371 Iron Mountain Road, Las Vegas, NV - 89143
11420 Placid Street, Las Vegas, NV - 89183
9975 Placid St, Las Vegas, NV - 89183-4431
3801 N Campbell Rd, Las Vegas, NV - 89129-7078
9001 Hillpointe Rd, Las Vegas, NV - 89134-6097
5150 E Desert Inn Rd, Las Vegas, NV - 89122
7101 Pinedale Ave, Las Vegas, NV - 89145
8951 W Ford Ave, Las Vegas, NV - 89148
4317 East Colorado Avenue, Las Vegas, NV - 89104
4491 N. Rainbow Blvd., Las Vegas, NV - 89108
7058 Sky Pointe Drive, Las Vegas, NV - 89131
8151 N. Shaumber Road, Las Vegas, NV - 89166
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Find in Las Vegas
Schools of Las Vegas are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Las Vegas schools of that type.
- Preschools (199)
- Elementary Schools (246)
- Middle Schools (110)
- High Schools (83)
- Public Schools (302)
- Private Schools (49)
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